Mācību satura un valodas integrētās apguves pieeja latviešu valodas kā otrās valodas apguves sekmēšanai 10. klasē
Ābele, Ingvilda
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Latvijas Universitāte
Mūsdienās, palielinoties valodu konkurencei daudzvalodīgā sabiedrībā, arvien lielāka ievērība tiek piešķirta latviešu valodas kā vienīgās valsts valodas statusa nostiprināšanai un apguves sekmēšanai. Šobrīd aktuālie Izglītības likuma grozījumi, kas paredz pakāpenisku pāreju uz izglītības ieguvi valsts valodā mazākumtautību skolās, aktualizē mazākumtautību skolēnu latviešu valodas apguves grūtības visos izglītības līmeņos. Maģistra darba mērķis ir izzināt latviešu valodas kā otrās valodas apguves veicināšanas iespējas 10. klasē, izmantojot mācību satura un valodas integrēto pieeju. Lai sasniegtu mērķi, maģistra darba teorētiskajā daļā tika pētīta teorētiskā literatūra par latviešu valodas kā otrās valodas vispārīgajām mācību pieejām, kā arī mācību satura un valodas integrētās pieejas jēdzienisko nozīmi un īstenošanas paņēmieniem. Pētījumā tika iekļautas aptaujas ar vidusskolas latviešu valodas skolotājiem un 10. klašu skolēniem, intervijas ar jomas speciālistiem, kā arī testi 10. klases skolēniem. Pētījuma rezultāti uzskatāmi parāda, ka 10. klases skolēni labprāt piedalās mācību satura un valodas integrētās apguves pieejā balstītās mācību stundās, kā arī šīs mācību stundas var pilnveidot skolēnu lingvistisko kompetenci. Atslēgvārdi: valodas kompetence; latviešu valoda kā otrā valoda; 10. klase; mazākumtautību skolēni; mācību satura un valodas integrēta apguve; CLIL.
Nowadays, when the language competition in multilingual society is subject to growth, more and more attention is paid to strengthen the status of Latvian language as the national language. Topical amendments for Education Law provides for minority schools the gradual transition to education in national language. Also, mentioned amendments underline the difficulties of minority students to learn Latvian language within all educational levels. The objective of this Master Thesis is to discover the options and possibilities of facilitation of learning Latvian language as the secondary language using the approach of integration of language and content. In order to achieve the objective, in the theoretical part of this Master Thesis the following topics and literature were researched and studied: 1) theoretical literature of general learning approaches of Latvian language as the secondary language; 2) conceptual meaning and application methods of content and language integrated learning approach. The actual research consisted of surveys with secondary school Latvian language teachers and 10th form students, interviews with field experts as well as tests for 10th form students were designed. The research results clearly shows that 10th form students are keen to take part in lessons organized using the approach of content and language integrated learning, as well as these lessons are able to develop the linguistic competency of students. Keywords: linguistic competency; Latvian language as the secondary language; 10th form; minority students; content and language integrated learning; CLIL.
Nowadays, when the language competition in multilingual society is subject to growth, more and more attention is paid to strengthen the status of Latvian language as the national language. Topical amendments for Education Law provides for minority schools the gradual transition to education in national language. Also, mentioned amendments underline the difficulties of minority students to learn Latvian language within all educational levels. The objective of this Master Thesis is to discover the options and possibilities of facilitation of learning Latvian language as the secondary language using the approach of integration of language and content. In order to achieve the objective, in the theoretical part of this Master Thesis the following topics and literature were researched and studied: 1) theoretical literature of general learning approaches of Latvian language as the secondary language; 2) conceptual meaning and application methods of content and language integrated learning approach. The actual research consisted of surveys with secondary school Latvian language teachers and 10th form students, interviews with field experts as well as tests for 10th form students were designed. The research results clearly shows that 10th form students are keen to take part in lessons organized using the approach of content and language integrated learning, as well as these lessons are able to develop the linguistic competency of students. Keywords: linguistic competency; Latvian language as the secondary language; 10th form; minority students; content and language integrated learning; CLIL.
Pedagoģija , valodas kompetence , latviešu valoda kā otrā valoda , 10. klase , mazākumtautību skolēni , mācību satura un valodas integrēta apguve