Elektronisko iekārtu montiera amats un saistītie ar to darba vides riska faktori
Petkeviča, Lidija
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Latvijas Universitāte
„Elektronisko iekārtu montiera amats un saistītie ar to darba vides riska faktori”. Darba autore: Lidija Petkeviča. Darba zinātniskais vadītājs: Dr. ķīm., docents Ingars Reinholds. Darbs izklāstīts uz 77 lpp., ietver 22 attēlus, 17 tabulas, 6 pielikumu, 44 informatīvos avotus. Pētījums sastāv no 3 daļām. Pirmajā daļā ir analizēta literatūra par darba vides riskiem elektronisko iekārtu montiera darbā, veicot lodēšanas darbus. Otrajā daļā ir aprakstītas pētījumā izmantotās metodes, kas ietvēra Tamperes metodi, ķīmisko risku analīzi un ātrās ekspozīcijas kontroli, kā arī anketu analīzi. Trešajā daļā ir apkopoti strādājošo aptauju rezultāti un darba vides risku novērtējums Latvijas uzņēmumā. No anketu rezultātiem var spriest, ka strādājošie apzinās individuālo aizsardzības līdzekļu un atpūtas paužu lomu ķīmisko, fizikālo risku ietekmes mazināšanai. Risku vērtējuma analīze ļauj secināt, ka būtiskākus riskus darbiniekiem rada tieši atrašanās piespiedu pozā, jo pārsvara ir sēdošs darbs, kas paaugstina muskuļu-skeleta sistēmas daļu pārslodzi, kā arī paaugstināts redzes sasprindzinājums, darbs, kas saistīts ar ilgstošu un intensīvu lokālu muskuļu sasprindzinājumu, un darbs ar ķīmiskām vielām. Sagatavoti ieteikumi darba vides riska faktoru ietekmes mazināšanai.
"Position of electronic equipment assembler and related work environment risk factors". Author of the work: Lidija Petkeviča. Scientific supervisor: Dr. chem., Assistant Professor Ingars Reinholds. The work is presented on 77 pages, includes 22 figures, 17 tables, 6 appendix, 44 information sources. The study consists of 3 parts. The first part analyses the literature of the occupational risks in the work of an electronic equipment assembler, performing soldering work. The second part describes the methods used, which included the Tampere method, chemical risk analysis and quick exposure control, as well as questionnaire analysis. The third part summarizes the results of employee surveys and the assessment of work environment risks in the Latvian company. From the results of the questionnaires, it can be concluded that the workers are aware of the role of personal protective equipment and rest breaks in reducing the impact of chemical and physical risks. The analysis of the risk assessment allows us to conclude that more significant risks for workers are caused by being in a forced position, as the majority is sitting work, which increases the overload of parts of the musculoskeletal system, as well as increased visual strain, work associated with long-term and intense local muscle strain, and work with chemical substances. Prepared recommendations for mitigating the impact of risk factors in the work environment.
"Position of electronic equipment assembler and related work environment risk factors". Author of the work: Lidija Petkeviča. Scientific supervisor: Dr. chem., Assistant Professor Ingars Reinholds. The work is presented on 77 pages, includes 22 figures, 17 tables, 6 appendix, 44 information sources. The study consists of 3 parts. The first part analyses the literature of the occupational risks in the work of an electronic equipment assembler, performing soldering work. The second part describes the methods used, which included the Tampere method, chemical risk analysis and quick exposure control, as well as questionnaire analysis. The third part summarizes the results of employee surveys and the assessment of work environment risks in the Latvian company. From the results of the questionnaires, it can be concluded that the workers are aware of the role of personal protective equipment and rest breaks in reducing the impact of chemical and physical risks. The analysis of the risk assessment allows us to conclude that more significant risks for workers are caused by being in a forced position, as the majority is sitting work, which increases the overload of parts of the musculoskeletal system, as well as increased visual strain, work associated with long-term and intense local muscle strain, and work with chemical substances. Prepared recommendations for mitigating the impact of risk factors in the work environment.
Darba aizsardzība (Rīga) [RPIVA] , Elektronisko iekārtu montieris , Ķīmiskie un fizikālie darba vides faktori , Darba poza , Paaugstināts redzes sasprindzinājums , Individuālie aizsardzības līdzekļi