Sporta pasākumu organizācijas vietne
Šļuncevs, Jurijs
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Latvijas Universitāte
Sports ir cilvēka dzīves neatņemama sastāvdaļa. Daudzi sporta veidi prasa noteiktu cilvēku skaitu. Bieži gadās, ka nevaram savākt vajadzīgo cilvēku skaitu. Gadās arī tā, ka trenēties vienam ir vienkārši garlaicīgi. Sporta pasākumu organizācijas vietne ir SPA (Single Page Application) lietotne, kas paredzēta sportistu savienošanai un iepazīstināšanai. Šī lietotne ļauj veidot sporta pasākumus, un lietotāji, savukārt, var tajos piedalīties. Šai lietotnei ir arī karte, kurā var atzīmēt dažāda veida sporta laukumus, piemēram, skeitparku vai tenisa kortu.
Sports is an integral part of human life. Many sports require a certain number of people. It often happens that we cannot gather the required number of people. It often happens that training alone is simply boring. The website for organizing sports events is a SPA (Single Page Application) application designed to connect and introduce athletes. This application allows you to create sports events, and users, in turn, can take part in them. This app also has a map where you can mark different types of sports fields, such as a skate park or tennis court.
Sports is an integral part of human life. Many sports require a certain number of people. It often happens that we cannot gather the required number of people. It often happens that training alone is simply boring. The website for organizing sports events is a SPA (Single Page Application) application designed to connect and introduce athletes. This application allows you to create sports events, and users, in turn, can take part in them. This app also has a map where you can mark different types of sports fields, such as a skate park or tennis court.
Datorzinātne , sporta pasākumi , SPA , C# , .NET , Nuxt