Demokratizācijas procesu kriminoloģiskās problēmas
Abašins, Valentins
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šī darba mērķis ir izanalizēt demokratizācijas procesa problemātiku kopsakarā ar noziedzības attīstības tendencēm, kā arī apskatīt noziedzības izpausmes veidus, kas ir demokrātijas un demokratizācijas procesa neatņemama sastāvdaļa. Līdz ar to, arī piedāvāt iespējamo risinājumu, kā patreizējā laika periodā, tā arī perspektīvā.
Darba uzdevums ir izsekot demokratizācijas rašanās un to attīstību, apskatīt demokratizācijas attīstību un to sakarību ar noziedzību, izvērtēt globalizāciju un demokratizāciju kā noziedzības katalizatorus. Piedāvāt iespējamos risinājumus iztirzātai problemātikai, piemērojot analīzes, prognozēšanas metodi, kā arī statistikas metodi.
Autors pauž nostāju, ka, kaut arī noziedzība attīstās kopā ar sabiedrību, tai piemīt arvien komplicētāki paņēmieni, lai īstenotu dzīvē savu kriminogēno būtību, tomēr civilizēta sabiedrība nekad nevarēs pieņemt noziedzību kā normālu parādību, ar kuru nevajag cīnīties. Neskatoties uz to, ka mūsdienas noziedzības novēršana un tās apkarošana prasa milzīgus materiālos un cilvēciskos resursus.
Pētot kriminogēnas tendences, autors secina, ka demokratizācijas process atrodas cieša sakarība ar noziedzību. Neskatoties uz to, ka vairums cilvēku ir tendēti izdarīt noziedzīgus nodarījumus, jāatzīst milzīgo lomu noziegumu novēršanā preventīvajiem pasākumiem.
Pētījumā rezultātā, tiek izvirzītas tēzes par demokratizācijas procesa būtību un sekām, pareju no autokrātijas uz demokrātiju, demokratizācijas viļņa koncepciju, totalitārisma būtību, korupcijas lomu demokratizācijas procesā, globalizācijas problēmām un kontroles veidiem.
The aim of this work is to analyze the problems of the democratic process connected with crimegrowth tendencies, as well as to view the forms of crime expression, which is an integral part of the democracy and the process of democratization. Wherewith also offer possible solution as for this time period, as in outlook. The objective of the work is to examine the origin and development of democratization and its connection to crime, to assess globalisation and democratization as the crime catalyzer, to propose possible solutions for the problems by adjusting the method of analysis and prognosis, as well as statistics. The author expresses the point of view that despite crime is developing together with the society, it has more and more complicated methods to put into life its criminal nature, however civilized society will never accept criminality as a normal thing you don’t need to struggle against. Despite the fact that nowadays crimes prevention and control takes tremendous material and human resources. Analysing criminal tendencies author comes to a conclusion that democratization process is inwrought with crime. The majority has a tendency towards comitting a crime, but preventive measures play a great role in fighting crime As the result of the research are put forward theses about the nature and consequences of democratization process, transition from autocratic to democratic regime, the democratization wave concept, the nature of totalitarism, the role of corruption in a democratization process, problems of globalisation, issues of control.
The aim of this work is to analyze the problems of the democratic process connected with crimegrowth tendencies, as well as to view the forms of crime expression, which is an integral part of the democracy and the process of democratization. Wherewith also offer possible solution as for this time period, as in outlook. The objective of the work is to examine the origin and development of democratization and its connection to crime, to assess globalisation and democratization as the crime catalyzer, to propose possible solutions for the problems by adjusting the method of analysis and prognosis, as well as statistics. The author expresses the point of view that despite crime is developing together with the society, it has more and more complicated methods to put into life its criminal nature, however civilized society will never accept criminality as a normal thing you don’t need to struggle against. Despite the fact that nowadays crimes prevention and control takes tremendous material and human resources. Analysing criminal tendencies author comes to a conclusion that democratization process is inwrought with crime. The majority has a tendency towards comitting a crime, but preventive measures play a great role in fighting crime As the result of the research are put forward theses about the nature and consequences of democratization process, transition from autocratic to democratic regime, the democratization wave concept, the nature of totalitarism, the role of corruption in a democratization process, problems of globalisation, issues of control.
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