Patērniecības objekta konstruēšana: ķermenis adaptēto dzīvesstila žurnālu publikāciju fotoattēlos 2004.-2006.g.
Baumane, Karolīna
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbā tiek aplūkota ķermeņa attēlošanas mūsdienu sabiedrībā problemātika. Darba sākumā tiek aplūkoti jēdzieni „patērniecība”, „komodifikācija”, „maiņas vērtība”. Turpinājumā tiek definēts jēdziens „sociālais ķermenis”. Praktiskajā pētījumā tika veikta ķermeņa attēlojumu interpretācija Latvijā izdoto ārzemju žurnālu „Cosmopolitan”, „FHM” un „Shape” fotogrāfijās. No pētniecības metodēm tikusi izmantota semiotiskā analīze. Pētījumā autore nonāca pie secinājuma, ka sievietes ķermenis tiek pozicionēts kā objekts ar augstu maiņas vērtību, savukārt vīriešu ķermenim ir konstruēta mazāka maiņas vērtība.
Atslēgvārdi: patērniecības objekts, maiņas vērtība, komodifikācija, ķermenis kā zīme, sociālais ķermenis, patērētāju žurnāli
The paper “The Construction of a Consumer Object: the Body in Adapted Lifestyle Magazines’ Images 2004-2006” investigates the problem of depiction of the body in modern societies. The paper starts with uncovering the questions of consumerism, commodification and exchange value of the objects in modern consumer societies. The research continues focusing on the definition of the social body (physical body and its adornments). The practical part of the research is semiotic analysis of body images in magazines “Cosmopolitan”, “FHM” and “Shape” published in Latvia from 2004-2006. The investigation concluded that magazines tend to construct female body with a rather high exchange value. On the contrary, male body is often neglected and as a result constructed with a rather low exchange value. The answer may lay in the strong masculine culture and trends to focus female attention at investments into their feminine body. Key terms: consumer object, exchange value, commodification, body as a sign, social body, consumer magazines
The paper “The Construction of a Consumer Object: the Body in Adapted Lifestyle Magazines’ Images 2004-2006” investigates the problem of depiction of the body in modern societies. The paper starts with uncovering the questions of consumerism, commodification and exchange value of the objects in modern consumer societies. The research continues focusing on the definition of the social body (physical body and its adornments). The practical part of the research is semiotic analysis of body images in magazines “Cosmopolitan”, “FHM” and “Shape” published in Latvia from 2004-2006. The investigation concluded that magazines tend to construct female body with a rather high exchange value. On the contrary, male body is often neglected and as a result constructed with a rather low exchange value. The answer may lay in the strong masculine culture and trends to focus female attention at investments into their feminine body. Key terms: consumer object, exchange value, commodification, body as a sign, social body, consumer magazines
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