Latvijas emigrantu kopienas: cerību diaspora
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Latvijas Universitātes aģentūra "Latvijas Univeristātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts"
Grāmatā apkopoti 14 analītiski raksti, kuru autori ir Latvijā pazīstami sociologi, ekonomisti un komunikācijas pētnieki. Monogrāfijas zinātniskā redaktore Inta Mieriņa norāda, ka par grāmatas vadmotīvu ir izvēlēts «cerību diasporas» jēdziens, kas Latvijas kontekstā aptver ne tikai emigrantus, kuri ieradušies jaunajās mītnes zemēs, bet arī palicējus — ģimenes, draugus, abstraktākā līmenī — valsti, kur arī gruzd sapņi un gaidas attiecībā uz aizbraukušajiem.
Grāmata izdota Latvijas Universitātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūtā. Tā izstrādāta pētnieciskajā projektā «Latvijas emigrantu kopienas: nacionālā identitāte, transnacionālās attiecības un diasporas politika», kas ilga no 2014. gada 1. janvāra līdz 2015. gada 31. augustam. Projektā veiktā Latvijas vēsturē lielākā emigrantu aptauja (14068 respondentu) ļāva iegūt unikālus sociālekonomiskus datus par aizbraukušo cilvēku ikdienu lielākajās mītnes zemēs. Līdzās aptaujai notika 200 padziļinātas intervijas ar jaunajiem emigrantiem un diasporas politikas ekspertiem, kā arī tika izmantoti novērojumi, fokusa grupu diskusijas un cita veida datu ieguves metodes.
The study challenges the accustomed views of the migration process, calling for the revision of our understanding of what it means to 'emigrate', dispelling several myths and providing answers to many questions important in the context of the diaspora policy. It invites a change in the policy focus from getting emigrants to return home (a very difficult task considering the wage differences) to the possibilities of potential co-operation between those living in Latvia and abroad. At the same time, the study warns of the commodification of emigrants if their economic contribution to Latvia is emphasized too much. One should not forget that any Latvian national is a part of our nation, regardless of age, ethnicity, education or demographic pro le. It is crucial to change the established view that the Latvian government does not need and does not care about people living abroad, and to help them to preserve ties with Latvia and their national identity, thus making it easier for emigrants and their children to return and integrate into the Latvian society, if they decide to do so. – The first part of the monography characterizes the problem of emigration in Latvia and discusses methodological solutions to the study of emigrants. – The second part is dedicated to the analysis of employment and education of Latvian migrants abroad. – The third deals with the analysis of the sense of belonging, identity and attitudes of migrants. – The final part turns to the analysis of the return migration and diaspora policy and praxis in Latvia, providing an insight into the opinions of experts responsible for the development and implementation of those policies.
The study challenges the accustomed views of the migration process, calling for the revision of our understanding of what it means to 'emigrate', dispelling several myths and providing answers to many questions important in the context of the diaspora policy. It invites a change in the policy focus from getting emigrants to return home (a very difficult task considering the wage differences) to the possibilities of potential co-operation between those living in Latvia and abroad. At the same time, the study warns of the commodification of emigrants if their economic contribution to Latvia is emphasized too much. One should not forget that any Latvian national is a part of our nation, regardless of age, ethnicity, education or demographic pro le. It is crucial to change the established view that the Latvian government does not need and does not care about people living abroad, and to help them to preserve ties with Latvia and their national identity, thus making it easier for emigrants and their children to return and integrate into the Latvian society, if they decide to do so. – The first part of the monography characterizes the problem of emigration in Latvia and discusses methodological solutions to the study of emigrants. – The second part is dedicated to the analysis of employment and education of Latvian migrants abroad. – The third deals with the analysis of the sense of belonging, identity and attitudes of migrants. – The final part turns to the analysis of the return migration and diaspora policy and praxis in Latvia, providing an insight into the opinions of experts responsible for the development and implementation of those policies.
Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Sociology , migrācija , latvijas emigranti