Lielvaru cīņa par ietekmi Livonijā Dionīsija Fabrīcija “Livonijas vēstures” atspoguļojumā
Norvaiša, Viktorija
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darbs “Lielvaru cīņa par ietekmi Livonijā Dionīsija Fabrīcija “Livonijas vēstures” atspoguļojumā” pēta sākuma vēstures avotu, pievēršas Dionīsija Fabrīcija piedāvātajām Baltijas jūras reģiona lielvaru – Polijas – Lietuvas, Zviedrijas, Krievijas, Dānijas – interešu un darbību attēlojumam. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir konstatēt Dionīsija Fabrīcija attieksmi pret dažādām Livonijas politikā iesaistītajām lielvarām un izvērtēt viņa piedāvāto vēstures norišu skaidrojumu. Rezultātā noskaidrots, ka Fabrīcija attieksmē pret lielvarām ieceļas Polija kā taisnīguma aizstāve, kas Livonijā cīnās par miera nodrošināšanu. Tai pretstatā pārējās varas, īpaši, Zviedrija, tiek tēlotas kā miera jaucējas, kas ir vardarbīgas un morāli pagrimušas.
The Bachelor's thesis "The Fight of the Superpowers on the Influence in Livonia as reflected by Dionysius Fabricius in “The History of Livonia”" is a research on the early 17th century history source, focusing on Dionysius Fabricius views on the Superpowers of the Baltic Sea Region – Poland – Lithuania, Sweden, Russia, Denmark - their interests and operations. The objective of this bachelor's thesis is to recognize Dionysius Fabricius attitude towards various Superpowers involvement in Livonian politics, and apprise the explanation of the historic process, offered by him. It is concluded that Dionysius Fabricius attitude towards the Superpowers is such that Poland is seen as a defender of justice, fighting for peace in Livonia. Other Supoerpowers, especically Sweden, are portrayed as opressors – opposed to peace, they are morally decaying and violent.
The Bachelor's thesis "The Fight of the Superpowers on the Influence in Livonia as reflected by Dionysius Fabricius in “The History of Livonia”" is a research on the early 17th century history source, focusing on Dionysius Fabricius views on the Superpowers of the Baltic Sea Region – Poland – Lithuania, Sweden, Russia, Denmark - their interests and operations. The objective of this bachelor's thesis is to recognize Dionysius Fabricius attitude towards various Superpowers involvement in Livonian politics, and apprise the explanation of the historic process, offered by him. It is concluded that Dionysius Fabricius attitude towards the Superpowers is such that Poland is seen as a defender of justice, fighting for peace in Livonia. Other Supoerpowers, especically Sweden, are portrayed as opressors – opposed to peace, they are morally decaying and violent.
Vēsture , Livonijas vēsture , Dionīsijs Fabrīcijs , hronika , Poļu - zviedru karš