Lihenoindikācijas metodes izmantošana gaisa kvalitātes novērtējumam Smiltenes pilsētā
Ābele, Sandra
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Latvijas Universitāte
Maģistra darbs pēta ķērpju kā bioindikātoru izmantošanas iespējas mazpilsētas gaisa kvalitātes novērtēšanā. Lihenoindikācijas pētījums Smiltenes pilsētā tika veikts, izmantojot standartizētu metodiku – Eiropas vadlīniju ķērpju daudzveidības kā vides stresa indikātora kartēšanai. Darba mērķis bija novērtēt pilsētas gaisa piesārņojumu pēc ķērpju sugu sastāva un sastopamības. Galvenie rezultāti parāda augstu un ļoti augstu ķērpju bioloģisko daudzveidību un līdz ar to zemu vides stresa pakāpi lielākajā daļā pilsētas teritorijas. Pētījumā ir novērtēta arī dažādu vides faktoru ietekme uz lihenocenožu izplatību. Tika noteiktas izmaiņas ķērpju sugu sastāvā un sastopamībā pilsētā un ārpus tās. Šis pētījums atzīst metodes pielietojamību lihenoindikācijas pētījumu veikšanā gan lapu, gan skuju koku teritorijās mazpilsētās.
Master’s thesis describe facilities to use lichens as bioindicators in the assesment of the quality of air in the town. The study in the town of Smiltene was conducted by using standartized methodology – European Guideline for Mapping Lichen Diversity as an Indicator of Environmental Stress. The purpose of the study was to assess the pollution of the air in the town according to the species composition and occurrence. The main results show the presence of the high and really high lichen biological diversity and therefore the low environmental stress in the most parts of the town. In the study also the distribution of lichen communities has been assessed according to different environmental factors. The changes between lichen species composition and occurrence inside and outside the town was determined. This study accept the use of the methodology for researches in the field of lichenoindication for both dedicous and coniferous trees in towns.
Master’s thesis describe facilities to use lichens as bioindicators in the assesment of the quality of air in the town. The study in the town of Smiltene was conducted by using standartized methodology – European Guideline for Mapping Lichen Diversity as an Indicator of Environmental Stress. The purpose of the study was to assess the pollution of the air in the town according to the species composition and occurrence. The main results show the presence of the high and really high lichen biological diversity and therefore the low environmental stress in the most parts of the town. In the study also the distribution of lichen communities has been assessed according to different environmental factors. The changes between lichen species composition and occurrence inside and outside the town was determined. This study accept the use of the methodology for researches in the field of lichenoindication for both dedicous and coniferous trees in towns.
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