Sievietes reprezentācija žurnālā "Padomju Latvijas Sieviete"/"Sieviete" (1980-1999)
Abiļēviča, Šarlote
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Latvijas Universitāte
Sievietes reprezentācija žurnālā "Padomju Latvijas Sieviete"/"Sieviete" (1980-1999).
Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt, kā tiek prezentēta sieviete no 1980. gada līdz 1999. gadam un kā šī reprezentācija mainās divos vēsturiski atšķirīgos laika periodos – Padomju un Latvijas Neatkarības laikā, ieskaitot t.s. Atmodas periodu. Izvērtētas pārmaiņas sabiedrībā, sabrūkot totalitārajam režīmam un atdzimstot Latvijas neatkarībai, līdz ar to tiek pētīts, kā izmainījās sabiedrības attieksme pret sievieti šajā laikā. Sievietei ir svarīgākā loma abās apskatītajās sabiedriskajās formācijās.
Darbā izmantota reprezentācijas teorija, diskursa analīze un kvantitatīvā kontentanalīze.
Women's representation in magazine "Padomju Latvijas Sieviete"/"Sieviete" (1980-1999) The aim of the research paper is to examine how the woman is represented from 1980 to 1999, how this representation changes in two different periods of time – Soviet Latvia period and the period after the reestablishment of independence of the Republic of Latvia, including the period of awakening. The changes in society during the period of the break – up of the totalitarian regime and the reawakening of the independence of Latvia are investigated, wherewith the author of the paper has made a research how the attitude of the society has changed at that time. Woman has the most important role in both social formations that the author deals with. The representation theory, the discourse analysis and the quantitative contentanalysis are used in this paper.
Women's representation in magazine "Padomju Latvijas Sieviete"/"Sieviete" (1980-1999) The aim of the research paper is to examine how the woman is represented from 1980 to 1999, how this representation changes in two different periods of time – Soviet Latvia period and the period after the reestablishment of independence of the Republic of Latvia, including the period of awakening. The changes in society during the period of the break – up of the totalitarian regime and the reawakening of the independence of Latvia are investigated, wherewith the author of the paper has made a research how the attitude of the society has changed at that time. Woman has the most important role in both social formations that the author deals with. The representation theory, the discourse analysis and the quantitative contentanalysis are used in this paper.
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