Eiro zonas atbilstība optimālās valūtas zonas koncepcijai un Latvijas izdevīguma pievienoties Eiro zonai novērtējums
Ābeltiņš, Edvarts
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbā apskatāmais jautājums ir optimālo valūtas zonu teorija, kura nosaka kādiem
nosacījumiem esot spēkā valstīm ir izdevīgi atsacīties no elastīga valūtas kursa un apvienoties
vienotas valūtas zonā. Interese par šo jautājumu ir īpaši pieaugusi kopš Eiropas monetārās
integrācijas pēdējās fāzes – eiro ieviešanas – sākuma.
Tādējādi, darba autors, izmantojot koncepcijas teorētisko ietvaru, novērtē vai Latvijai ir
izdevīgi pievienoties Eiropas Monetārajai Savienībai, kā alternatīvu pretnostatot nacionālās
valūtas saglabāšanu. Darba autors secina, ka Latvijas dalība eiro zonā varētu nest
makroekonomiskas izmaksas, tomēr ir grūti paredzēt vai tās būtu lielākas par ekonomikas
Atslēgas vārdi: optimālā valūtas zona, eiro zona, valūtas kursa režīms, asimetriskie šoki
Thesis has its focus on theory of optimum currency area. Theory of optimum currency areas indentifies certain conditions under which it is beneficial for a country to join common currency area. Interest in this topic has grown since the final stage of Europe's monetary integration and introduction of euro in 1999. Thus, thesis attempts to link the theoretical backgrounds of the OCA theory with the economic performance of Latvia, examining whether Latvia is better off with a common currency as compared to the option of retaining the national currency. Author concludes that participation in euro area would cause macroeconomic costs to Latvia, however it is difficult to predict whether the costs would exceed economic gains. Key words: optimum currency area, euro area, exchange rate regime, assymetric shocks
Thesis has its focus on theory of optimum currency area. Theory of optimum currency areas indentifies certain conditions under which it is beneficial for a country to join common currency area. Interest in this topic has grown since the final stage of Europe's monetary integration and introduction of euro in 1999. Thus, thesis attempts to link the theoretical backgrounds of the OCA theory with the economic performance of Latvia, examining whether Latvia is better off with a common currency as compared to the option of retaining the national currency. Author concludes that participation in euro area would cause macroeconomic costs to Latvia, however it is difficult to predict whether the costs would exceed economic gains. Key words: optimum currency area, euro area, exchange rate regime, assymetric shocks