Viedierīču izmantošana mācību procesā
Ābele, Sabīne
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Latvijas Universitāte
Mūsdienās viedierīču pasaule strauji attīstās, ar katru gadu pieaug to cilvēku skaits, kas izmanto viedierīces izmanto teju katrā dzīves situācijā. Šobrīd jaunā paaudze ar vien agrāk iepazīstas un apgūst viedierīces. Tādēļ mūsdienu sabiedrībā norisinās diskusijas, vai jaunākās tehnoloģijas nepieciešams ieviest mācību procesā, to sniegtās iespējas, kā arī iespējamie riski. Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt līdzšinējo pieredzi, kas iegūta, izmantojot viedierīces izglītības procesā, kā arī novērtēt, vai jaunāko tehnoloģiju izmantošana mācību procesā uzlabo skolēnu zināšanas līmeni. Mērķa sasniegšanai darbā tika pētītas piemērotākās ierīces, kā arī tika izstrādāta programmatūra, kas tika izmantota mācību vielas apgūšanai.
In nowadays smart-device industry is growing rapidly. Number of people who use smart-devices in their every day life grows continually. The young generation gets to know and learns smart-devices sooner then ever before. That is why in our society discussions are made whether new technologies have to be implemented into educational process knowing their huge opportunities and possible risks. The goal of this research is to find out recent practice of implementing smart-devices into educational process and to evaluate whether the use of newest technologies has improved the knowledge level of students. To reach the goal of this research the most suitable devices were studied, a program for educational purposes was made and the first results were collected.
In nowadays smart-device industry is growing rapidly. Number of people who use smart-devices in their every day life grows continually. The young generation gets to know and learns smart-devices sooner then ever before. That is why in our society discussions are made whether new technologies have to be implemented into educational process knowing their huge opportunities and possible risks. The goal of this research is to find out recent practice of implementing smart-devices into educational process and to evaluate whether the use of newest technologies has improved the knowledge level of students. To reach the goal of this research the most suitable devices were studied, a program for educational purposes was made and the first results were collected.
Datorzinātne , viedierīce , skolēns un planšetdators , mūsdienīga skola , programma skolai