Starptautisko organizāciju vadīts un kontrolēts dalībvalstu starptautisko tiesību pārkāpums
Āboliņa, Viktorija
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Latvijas Universitāte
Starptautisko organizāciju atbildība par dalībvalsts veiktu starptautiski prettiesisku rīcību ir būtisks un maz skatīts jautājums starptautiskajās tiesībās. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot vai starptautiska organizācija var būt atbildīga par dalībvalsts veiktajiem starptautisko tiesību pārkāpumiem un, ja var, tad kādos gadījumos tas ir iespējams. Darbs sastāv no četrām nodaļām, teorētiskajā daļā aplūkotas starptautisko organizāciju un to dalībvalstu attiecības, paražu tiesību raksturs 2011.gada pantu projektā par starptautisko organizāciju atbildību un atbildības piemērošana starptautiskajām organizācijām starptautiskajās tiesībās.
Responsibility of international organizations as to the internationally wrongful acts is an essential and very rarely addressed issue in international law. Bachelor thesis aims to clarify if international organization may be held responsible for the violations of international law made by its Member State and, if so, under what circumstances it is possible. The work consists of four chapters, the theoretical part deals with relationships between international organizations and their Member States, as well as with the nature of common law in 2011 article project in the draft on responsibility of international organizations and responsible action within the international organizations in international law.
Responsibility of international organizations as to the internationally wrongful acts is an essential and very rarely addressed issue in international law. Bachelor thesis aims to clarify if international organization may be held responsible for the violations of international law made by its Member State and, if so, under what circumstances it is possible. The work consists of four chapters, the theoretical part deals with relationships between international organizations and their Member States, as well as with the nature of common law in 2011 article project in the draft on responsibility of international organizations and responsible action within the international organizations in international law.
Juridiskā zinātne , starptautiskā organizācija , dalībvalsts , atbildība , prettiesiska rīcība