Administratīvo teritoriju robežas no 1950. līdz 1990.gadam un to izmaiņu ietekmes: Ogres rajona piemērs
Vāvers, Reinis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Viena no valsts pārvaldes mehānisma sastāvdaļām ir administratīvi teritoriālais iedalījums. Laikā, kad Latvija atradās Padomju Savienības sastāvā, administratīvās teritorijas tika veidotas pēc atšķirīgiem principiem nekā iepriekš. Pirms tam jau pastāvēja noturīgs teritoriāls iedalījums, kas bija veidojies kultūrvēsturiski un salīdzinoši ilgākā laika posmā. Padomju laikā teritorijas veidoja pēc pārējās PSRS parauga, un to robežu un statusa izmaiņas notika daudz biežāk, it sevišķi vietējā līmenī.
Bakalaura darbā pētīts, kā šīs teritoriju robežu maiņas bijušajā Ogres rajonā ietekmējušas apdzīvojuma struktūras, jaunu funkcionālu teritoriju un centru veidošanos.
Administrative territorial division is one of the instruments of state administration. In the Soviet period administrative territories were constructed by different principles than previously. Administrative territorial division was formed historically and this process was much slower in independent Latvia. In the Soviet period administrative territories in Latvian SSR had been formed, using an example of the rest of the Soviet Union, and their boundaries had been changed much often, especially at local level. This research concentrates on the changes of administrative boundaries in former Ogre district in Latvia and their influence on the distribution of population, the formation of new functional territories and social centres.
Administrative territorial division is one of the instruments of state administration. In the Soviet period administrative territories were constructed by different principles than previously. Administrative territorial division was formed historically and this process was much slower in independent Latvia. In the Soviet period administrative territories in Latvian SSR had been formed, using an example of the rest of the Soviet Union, and their boundaries had been changed much often, especially at local level. This research concentrates on the changes of administrative boundaries in former Ogre district in Latvia and their influence on the distribution of population, the formation of new functional territories and social centres.