Ikdienas dzīve pilsētā 19. gs. otrajā pusē: Jūliuss Dērings un Jelgava
Cīrule, Anna Anita
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Latvijas Universitāte
Maģistra darba “Ikdienas dzīve pilsētā 19. gs. otrajā pusē: Jūliuss Dērings un Jelgava” mērķis ir raksturot Jelgavas un tās iedzīvotāju ikdienas dzīves paradumus 19. gs. otrajā pusē caur mākslinieka Jūliusa Dēringa veidotajām dienasgrāmatām un pierakstiem. 19. gs. otrajā pusē Eiropā norisinoties aktīvai urbanizācijai, pieaug pilsētas un tās dzīvesveida nozīme sabiedrībā, kas izpaužas arī Baltijas reģionā. Jūliusa Dēringa kā Jelgavas vidusšķiras pārstāvja ikdienas dzīve, kas iekļauj ģimeni un mājas, darbu un atpūtu, sniedz ieskatu tajā, ko pilsēta spēj un var piedāvāt tās iedzīvotājam un kādi iemesli liek pilsētu pamest, norādot uz raksturīgajām Baltijas guberņu pilsētu iezīmēm un reģiona urbanizācijas attīstības tendencēm.
The aim of Master Thesis Everyday Life in the City in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Julius Döring and Jelgava is to describe the habits of Jelgava and its inhabitants in the second half of 19th century through the diaries and notes of the artist Julius Döring. Due to active urbanization, present in Europe during second half of 19th century, the importance of cities and urban lifestyle increases and is present also in Baltic region. The daily life of a representative of Jelgava’s middle-class - Julius Döring including family, home, work, and recreation parts of his life, gives an insight on what Jelgava as a city was able to offer to its inhabitants. It also allows to observe the reasons behind moving out of the city and emphasizes the common characteristics of Baltic province as well as gives an insight on the main urbanization tendencies in the region.
The aim of Master Thesis Everyday Life in the City in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Julius Döring and Jelgava is to describe the habits of Jelgava and its inhabitants in the second half of 19th century through the diaries and notes of the artist Julius Döring. Due to active urbanization, present in Europe during second half of 19th century, the importance of cities and urban lifestyle increases and is present also in Baltic region. The daily life of a representative of Jelgava’s middle-class - Julius Döring including family, home, work, and recreation parts of his life, gives an insight on what Jelgava as a city was able to offer to its inhabitants. It also allows to observe the reasons behind moving out of the city and emphasizes the common characteristics of Baltic province as well as gives an insight on the main urbanization tendencies in the region.
Vēsture , Jelgava , Jūliuss Dērings , Urbanizācija , Pilsētas vēsture , 19. gadsimta otrā puse