Indola anjona alkilēšana jonu šķidrumos
Drozdova, Svetlana
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbā izpētīta virkne indola atvasinājumu, kuri satur alkilgrupas dažādās vietās (pie N1, C3 atomiem). Savienojumu sintēzēs izmantotas indola alkilēšanas reakcijas ar alkilējošiem reaģentiem bāzu klātbūtnē dažādos jonu šķidrumos. Gūts priekšstats par šo reakciju regioselektivitāti atkarībā no temperatūras, alkilējošā reaģenta, metāla jona u.c. faktoriem. Savienojumu struktūras ir pierādītas ar 1H-KMR spektriem un GC/MS datiem. Jonu šķidrumi vēl papildus novērtēti ar elementanalīzes datiem un titrimetrijas rezultātiem.
A series of indole derivatives containing alkyl groups at different positions of the indole ring (N1, C3 atoms) has been synthesized. The alkylation of indole with different alkylation reagents was used for the preparation of the target products in ionic liquids. A sense of regioselectivity of the reaction was gotten dependent on temperature, alkylation reagents, metal ions and other factors. Synthesized compounds have been characterized by 1H-NMR spectra and GC/MS data. Ionic liquids have been supplementary characterized by elemental analysis and titrimetric data.
A series of indole derivatives containing alkyl groups at different positions of the indole ring (N1, C3 atoms) has been synthesized. The alkylation of indole with different alkylation reagents was used for the preparation of the target products in ionic liquids. A sense of regioselectivity of the reaction was gotten dependent on temperature, alkylation reagents, metal ions and other factors. Synthesized compounds have been characterized by 1H-NMR spectra and GC/MS data. Ionic liquids have been supplementary characterized by elemental analysis and titrimetric data.