Pārbaudes darbi matemātikā 7.klasei
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarbā „Pārbaudes darbi matemātikā 7.klasei” ir aplūkoti didaktikas jautājumi.
Pirmkārt, izstrādāti 18 pārbaudes darbu komplekti vienā vai divos variantos katrai tēmai pēc mācību standarta. Otrkārt, katram pārbaudes darbam ir piedāvāti vērtēšanas kritēriji. Darbā var iepazīties arī ar matemātika mācību programmu 7.klasei.
Diplomdarba apjoms ir 107 lapaspuses ieskaitot pielikumu. Tas sastāv no 3 nodaļām, un tam ir divi pielikumi.
The diploma paper 'Tests in Mathematics for Form 7' includes didactic materials of tests and their development. First of all, there are 18 sets of tests which are worked out seperately for each of the themes according to the curriculum. Secondly, evaluation criteria are offered for each of the tests. The present paper also includes syllabus of mathematics for Form7 in it’s appendix. The volume of the paper is 107 pages including appendix. It consists of three chapters.
The diploma paper 'Tests in Mathematics for Form 7' includes didactic materials of tests and their development. First of all, there are 18 sets of tests which are worked out seperately for each of the themes according to the curriculum. Secondly, evaluation criteria are offered for each of the tests. The present paper also includes syllabus of mathematics for Form7 in it’s appendix. The volume of the paper is 107 pages including appendix. It consists of three chapters.