Aktīvo Atlantijas ciklonu pārvietošanās trajektorijas un ar to saistītās vides izmaiņas Latvijā
Aišpurs, Andris
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Latvijas Universitāte
Aktīvi Atlantijas cikloni būtiski ietekmē klimatu virs Rietumeiropas teritorijām. Bieži tie ir saistīti ar ekstremāliem laikapstākļiem - vētrām un lieliem nokrišņu daudzumiem, kas var radīt ļoti lielus postījumus un ekonomiskos zaudējumus, taču šo ciklonu rakstura un izplatības izmaiņas saistībā ar vispārējām klimata izmaiņām Latvijā ir ļoti maz pētītas.
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidrot aktīvu Atlantijas ciklonu pārvietošanās trajektoriju telpiskās un temporālās izplatības izmaiņas un ar to saistīto ietekmi uz vidi Latvijā.
Maģistra darbā atspoguļotas aktīvu Atlantijas ciklonu un strūklplūsmu aktivitātes un izplatības izmaiņas laika periodā no 1962. - 2012. gadam, kā arī to ietekmējošo nozīmīgāko vides faktoru un radīto postījumu mežu audzēs izpētes rezultāti. Tika konstatēta aktīvu Atlantijas ciklonu skaita palielināšanās un trajektoriju pārvietošanās uz ziemeļiem. Relatīvi maza aktīvu Atlantijas ciklonu ietekme Latvijā ir vasaras un pavasara mēnešos, bet relatīvi augsta tā ir rudens un ziemas mēnešos.
Iegūtie rezultāti ir nozīmīgi globālo kā arī reģionālo meteoroloģisko prognožu un klimatisko modeļu izstrādē.
Active Atlantic cyclones significantly affect the climate over the western Europe areas. Often they are associated with extreme weather events including storms and high amount of precipitation which can cause very severe damage and economic losses but the nature and prevalence of cyclones change in the context of global climate change in Latvian is very slightly studied. The aim of master’s paper is to ascertain changes of movement of active Atlantic cyclones’ centers and related environmental changes in Latvia. Master's work reflected an active Atlantic cyclones and jetstream activity and distribution change over time since 1962. - 2012 and most important environmental factors that affects them and damage caused to forest stands. Increase of intensity of an active Atlantic cyclones and their track movement to North was observed. Impact of the Atlantic cyclones on the weather in Latvia in the summer and spring months is a relatively low, but it is a relatively high in autumn and winter months. Acquired results are important for development of global and regional meteorological forecasts and climatic models.
Active Atlantic cyclones significantly affect the climate over the western Europe areas. Often they are associated with extreme weather events including storms and high amount of precipitation which can cause very severe damage and economic losses but the nature and prevalence of cyclones change in the context of global climate change in Latvian is very slightly studied. The aim of master’s paper is to ascertain changes of movement of active Atlantic cyclones’ centers and related environmental changes in Latvia. Master's work reflected an active Atlantic cyclones and jetstream activity and distribution change over time since 1962. - 2012 and most important environmental factors that affects them and damage caused to forest stands. Increase of intensity of an active Atlantic cyclones and their track movement to North was observed. Impact of the Atlantic cyclones on the weather in Latvia in the summer and spring months is a relatively low, but it is a relatively high in autumn and winter months. Acquired results are important for development of global and regional meteorological forecasts and climatic models.
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