Synthesis and characterization of ZnO/ZnS/MoS2 core-shell nanowires

Butanovs, Edgars
Kuzmin, Alexei
Butikova, Jelena
Vlassov, Sergei
Polyakov, Boris
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Elsevier B.V.
Hybrid nanostructures composed of layered materials have recently attracted a lot of attention due to their promising electronic and catalytic properties. In this study, we describe a novel synthesis strategy of ZnO/ZnS/MoS2 core-shell nanowire growth using a three-step route. First, ZnO nanowire array was grown on a silicon wafer. Second, the sample was immersed in ammonium molybdate solution and dried. At the third step, the sample was annealed in a sulfur atmosphere at 700 °C. Two solid state chemical reactions occur simultaneously during the annealing and result in a formation of ZnS and MoS2 phases. Produced ZnO/ZnS/MoS2 core-shell nanowires were characterized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, whereas their chemical composition was confirmed by selected area electron diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy.
The present research was supported by the Latvian National Research Program IMIS2 . Authors are grateful for Dr. Robert Kalendarev and Martins Zubkins for assistance in magnetron sputtering, Dr. Krisjanis Smits for TEM measurements, Dr. Roberts Zabels for AFM measurements and Reinis Ignatans for XRD measurements.
Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES:Physics , A1 Characterization , A1 Crystal morphology , A1 Nanostructures , B1 Oxides , B1 Sulfides , B1 Zinc compounds