Motivācija iesaistīties brīvprātīgajā darbā Ukrainas kara situācijā
Knēta, Līva
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir par motivāciju iesaistīties brīvprātīgo darbā Ukrainas kara situācijā. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, kāda ir iedzīvotāju motivācija iesaistīties un turpināt brīvprātīgo darbu sniedzot atbalstu Ukrainas bēgļiem. Bakalaura darba ietvaros kopumā tika veiktas daļēji strukturētās intervijas ar brīvprātīgajiem, kas palīdz Ukrainas karā cietušajiem bēgļiem, kas nokļuvuši Latvijā. Bakalaura darba pirmajā nodaļā tiks skaidrots brīvprātīgo darba jēdziens un būtība, kā arī tiks dots neliels ieskats brīvprātīgo darba vēsturē. Kā arī skaidrots kādēļ brīvprātīgo darbs ir nozīmīgs un nepieciešams jebkurai sabiedrībai. Tiks aplūkoti ir arī iepriekš veikti pētījumi Latvijā, aprakstītas dažas teorētiskās perspektīvas brīvprātības skaidrošanā. Otrajā nodaļā autore sniegs Ukrainas bēgļu krīzes situācijas aprakstu un iepazīstinās ar brīvprātīgo darba iespējām Ukrainas bēgļu krīzes situācijā. Trešajā nodaļā tiks aplūkotas četras teorijas- pašnoteikšanās teorija, sociālās solidaritātes teorija, Maslova vajadzību hiarhija un sociālās apmaiņas teorija. Tam seko metodoloģijas, rezultātu, diskusijas un secinājumu nodaļas. Kopumā pētījumā tiek secināts, ka brīvprātīgie iesaistās brīvprātīgo darbā palīdzot bēgļiem no Ukrainas iekšēju motīvu vadīti.
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is "Motivation to get involved in volunteering in a war situation in Ukraine". The aim of this study is to find out what motivates the population to get involved and continue volunteering in support of Ukrainian refugees. Within the framework of the bachelor's thesis, semi-structured interviews were conducted with volunteers who help refugees affected by the war in Ukraine who have arrived to Latvia. The first chapter of the bachelor's thesis will explain the concept and essence of volunteering, as well as give a brief insight into the history of volunteering. It also explains why volunteering is important and necessary for any society. Previous research in Latvia will also be viewed, and some theoretical perspectives in explaining volunteering will be described. In the second chapter the author will provide a description of the refugee crisis situation in Ukraine and introduce what kind of volunteering the possibilities there is in a refugee crisis situation. In the third chapter, four theories will be viewed - the theory of self-determination, the theory of social solidarity, social exchange theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is followed by sections on methodology, results, discussions and conclusions. Overall, the study concludes that volunteers engage in volunteer work to help to refugees from Ukraine driven by internal motives.
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is "Motivation to get involved in volunteering in a war situation in Ukraine". The aim of this study is to find out what motivates the population to get involved and continue volunteering in support of Ukrainian refugees. Within the framework of the bachelor's thesis, semi-structured interviews were conducted with volunteers who help refugees affected by the war in Ukraine who have arrived to Latvia. The first chapter of the bachelor's thesis will explain the concept and essence of volunteering, as well as give a brief insight into the history of volunteering. It also explains why volunteering is important and necessary for any society. Previous research in Latvia will also be viewed, and some theoretical perspectives in explaining volunteering will be described. In the second chapter the author will provide a description of the refugee crisis situation in Ukraine and introduce what kind of volunteering the possibilities there is in a refugee crisis situation. In the third chapter, four theories will be viewed - the theory of self-determination, the theory of social solidarity, social exchange theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is followed by sections on methodology, results, discussions and conclusions. Overall, the study concludes that volunteers engage in volunteer work to help to refugees from Ukraine driven by internal motives.
Socioloģija , brīvprātīgo darbs , motivācija , Ukrainas karš , bēgļu krīze