Regīnas Ezeras romāna “Aka” iepazīšana 12. klasē
Stikute, Maija
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarba „Regīnas Ezeras romāna “Aka” iepazīšana 12. klasē” mērķis ir izstrādāt metodiskās sistēmas variantu, kas veicinātu Regīnas Ezeras personības un romāna „Aka” apguvi. Darbam ir piecas nodaļas ar apakšnodaļām, kā arī ievads, secinājumi un pielikumi. Pirmajā nodaļā apzināta literatūra un apkopotas galvenās atziņas par literatūru kā mācību priekšmetu, noskaidrots par tā specifiku un būtību. Otrajā nodaļā izzināta Regīnas Ezeras personība un daiļrade, pievēršot uzmanību arī romānam „Aka”. Trešajā nodaļā aprakstīta skolotājas gatavošanās darbam klasē, kas ietver konkrētā vecumposma īpatnību izzināšanu un pētījumā iesaistīto skolēnu iepazīšanu, kā arī mācību materiālu izveidošanas procesu. Ceturtajā nodaļā skolotājas un skolēnu sadarbība Regīnas Ezeras personības un romāna „Aka” apguvei veltītajās literatūras stundās. Piektajā nodaļā veikts sadarbības rezultātu izvērtējums un analīze. Izstrādāto metodisko materiālu efektivitāte tikusi pārbaudīta pedagoģiskās prakses laikā. Diplomdarbs iesakāms vidusskolas literatūras skolotājiem, studentiem, kā arī citiem interesentiem.
The Aim of the Diploma Paper “Familiarization with Regīna Ezera’s Novel “Aka” in Grade 12” is to develop a version of methods system which promotes the acquirement of Regina Ezera's personality and the novel “Aka”. There are five chapters with sub-chapters in the Paper as well as the introduction, conclusion and appendices. In the first chapter, the essence of literature as a subject is summarized. In the second chapter, the personality and work in literature of Regina Ezera are learned, also paying attention to the novel “Aka”. The third chapter consists of the features of the target age group and description of the students involved in the research as well as the process of designing the learning materials is described. In the fourth chapter the collaboration among the teacher and students for the acquirement of Regina Ezera's personality and novel “Aka” in the literature lessons is described. In the final chapter the results of collaboration among the teacher and students are evaluated and analysed. The efficiency of developed methods system has been tested and verified during the pedagogical testing. This Diploma Paper is recommended for secondary school literature teachers, students as well as those who have literature connected interest.
The Aim of the Diploma Paper “Familiarization with Regīna Ezera’s Novel “Aka” in Grade 12” is to develop a version of methods system which promotes the acquirement of Regina Ezera's personality and the novel “Aka”. There are five chapters with sub-chapters in the Paper as well as the introduction, conclusion and appendices. In the first chapter, the essence of literature as a subject is summarized. In the second chapter, the personality and work in literature of Regina Ezera are learned, also paying attention to the novel “Aka”. The third chapter consists of the features of the target age group and description of the students involved in the research as well as the process of designing the learning materials is described. In the fourth chapter the collaboration among the teacher and students for the acquirement of Regina Ezera's personality and novel “Aka” in the literature lessons is described. In the final chapter the results of collaboration among the teacher and students are evaluated and analysed. The efficiency of developed methods system has been tested and verified during the pedagogical testing. This Diploma Paper is recommended for secondary school literature teachers, students as well as those who have literature connected interest.
Pedagoģija , Ezera Regīna , romāns , ''Aka'' , iepazīšana