Jāzeps Rancāns un uzsaukums vēlēšanām Eslingenē
Rubenis, Rūdolfs
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Latvijas Universitātes Muzejs
Raksts satur informāciju par Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja LU vēstures kolekcijas krājumā esošo Latvijas Centrālās padomes locekļa Jāzepa Rancāna vēlēšanu uzsaukumu Eslingenes latviešiem, kuri nonāca trimdā sakarā ar otrreizējo PSRS okupāciju pēc Otrā pasaules kara. Blakus Eslingenes vēlēšanu uzsaukuma analīzei tiek analizēt arī paša J. Rancāna personības loma Latvijas valsts un LU vēsturē, sasaistot ar Romas katoļu baznīcas lomu Latvijas politiskajā un sabiedriskajā dzīvē.
The article contains information about the draft election of the Member of the Latvian Central Council, Jāzeps Rancāns, in the stock of the History collection of the University of Latvia Museum, for Eslingenes Latvians who came into exile due to the secondary occupation of the USSR after Second World war. In addition to the analysis of Eslingenes' electoral draft, the personality role of Jazpes Rancāns himself in the history of Latvia and University of Latvia is also analysed, linking the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Latvia's political and social life.
The article contains information about the draft election of the Member of the Latvian Central Council, Jāzeps Rancāns, in the stock of the History collection of the University of Latvia Museum, for Eslingenes Latvians who came into exile due to the secondary occupation of the USSR after Second World war. In addition to the analysis of Eslingenes' electoral draft, the personality role of Jazpes Rancāns himself in the history of Latvia and University of Latvia is also analysed, linking the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Latvia's political and social life.
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History , Latvijas Centrālā padome , Lacuania , latvieši trimdā , Jāzeps Rancāns , Eslingenes Latviešu kolonija , Latvian Central council , Lacuania , Exile latvians , Jāzeps Rancāns , Eslingen Latvian community