Jūras krasta dinamikas monitorings ar Sentinel 1 sintezētās apertūras radaru
Egle, Uldis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Zemes pētniecība ar dažādu satelītu palīdzību aizsākās jau pagājušā gadsimta 50 tajos gados un līdz mūsdienām ir pielāgojusies tehnoloģiskajai attīstībai. Sentinel misijas ietvaros tiek sniegti dažādi bezmaksas satelīta dati jebkuram interesentam visā pasaule. Bakalaura darba ietvaros, tiek izpētīta Sentinel 1 satelīta piemērotība Latvijas jūras piekrastu monitoringā. Kā izpētes objekts tika izvēlēta Gaujas upes ieteka Baltijas jūrā, Carnikavas novadā, kas autorprāt ir viena no dinamiskākajām jūras piekrastes teritorijām Latvijā. Darba pamatā tiek ievāktas divas satelītainas, kuru apstrāde notiek datorprogrammā SNAP 5.0 un lauka darbu gaitā ievākti dati ar bezpilota gaisa kuģi, kur tiek apstrādāti datorprogrammās Bentley ContextCapture un ArcMap. Izstrādātās metodes tiek veiksmīgi pielietotas, taču iegūtie rezultāti nedod cerēto rezultātu. Darba ietvaros tiek salīdzinātas divas dažādas metodes, jūras krastu monitoringa veikšanai un izvērtētas Sentinel 1 satelīta potenciālās iespējas jūras piekrastu pētniecībai Latvijā.
Earth-based research with the help of various satellites began in the 50's of the last century and to this date has adapted to technological development. Sentinel's satellite mission is to provide various free satellite data to any researcher around the world. Within the framework of the Bachelor's paper, the suitability of the Sentinel 1 satellite for monitoring the seashore of the sea is explored. As a research object, the mouth of the river Gauja in the Baltic Sea, was chosen as one of the most dynamic marine coastal areas in Latvia. The basis of the work is the collection of two satellites processed by the SNAP 5.0 computer software and the data collected in the field with unmanned aerial vehicle, which are processed in the Bentley ContextCapture and ArcMap software. The developed methods are successfully applied, but the obtained results do not give the expected result. The work compares two different methods for monitoring the seaside coast and evaluates the potential of Sentinel 1 satellite for marine coastal research in Latvia.
Earth-based research with the help of various satellites began in the 50's of the last century and to this date has adapted to technological development. Sentinel's satellite mission is to provide various free satellite data to any researcher around the world. Within the framework of the Bachelor's paper, the suitability of the Sentinel 1 satellite for monitoring the seashore of the sea is explored. As a research object, the mouth of the river Gauja in the Baltic Sea, was chosen as one of the most dynamic marine coastal areas in Latvia. The basis of the work is the collection of two satellites processed by the SNAP 5.0 computer software and the data collected in the field with unmanned aerial vehicle, which are processed in the Bentley ContextCapture and ArcMap software. The developed methods are successfully applied, but the obtained results do not give the expected result. The work compares two different methods for monitoring the seaside coast and evaluates the potential of Sentinel 1 satellite for marine coastal research in Latvia.
Ģeogrāfija , Sentinel 1 , interferogramma , digitālais reljefa modelis , 3D modelēšana , SAR