Ferdinanda Erdmaņa Štolla sēņu mulāža
Jamonte, Daiga
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Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja Botānikas un mikoloģijas kolekcijās glabājas unikāls eksponāts – sēņu mulāža, kas piederējusi Baltijas dabaspētniekam F. E. Štollam (1874 – 1966) un tikusi izmantota izglītības procesā. Iespējams, ka tā ir vienīgā Latvijā saglabājusies vēsturiskā sēņu mulāža.
The botanical and mycological collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia contain a unique exhibit - a mushroom mulage, which belonged to the Baltic naturalist F. E. Stoll (1874 - 1966) and was used in the educational process. It is probably the only surviving historical mushroom mulage in Latvia
The botanical and mycological collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia contain a unique exhibit - a mushroom mulage, which belonged to the Baltic naturalist F. E. Stoll (1874 - 1966) and was used in the educational process. It is probably the only surviving historical mushroom mulage in Latvia
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History of science , mikoloģija , mycology , Pilzkunde , Amanita , Ferdinads Erdmanis Štolls , Ferdinand Erdman Stoll , mulāža