Fizisko aktivitāšu ietekme uz 8. klases skolēnu sekmēm attālinātajā mācību procesā
Simanovičs, Elvis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarba tēma: „Fizisko aktivitāšu ietekme uz 8. klases skolēnu sekmēm attālinātajā mācību procesā”. Tēmas aktualitāte: Covid-19 pandēmijai kļūstot par ikdienu, skolēni spiesti mācīties attālināti un skolas solos uz palikšanu pavisam nevar cerēt. Mācoties no mājām samazinās ikdienas neplānotās fiziskās aktivitātes un plānotās - sporta treniņi ir mazāk vai daļēji liegti un sporta stundas norisinās pie datora ekrāniem, kas neapšaubāmi sniedz negatīvu efektu mācību sekmēm un skolēna fiziskajai veselībai. Darbs sastāv trīs teorētiskajām daļām un praktiskās daļas. Pētījuma mērķis: ir pētīt un anazlizēt fizisko aktivitāšu ietekmi uz attālināto mācību procesu vispārizglītojošās skolas 8. klases skolēnu vidū. Pētījumā piedalījās 24 skolēni no 8. klases no kuriem 12 vīriešu dzimtas un 12 sieviešu dzimtas pārstāves. Atslēgas vārdi: Fiziskās aktivitātes, sporta stundas, mācību sekmes, attālinātās mācības, skolēni.
Thesis topic: "The impact of physical activity on the progress of 8th grade students in the distance learning process". Topicality: As the Covid-19 pandemic becomes commonplace, students are forced to study at a distance and school benches cannot be expected to stay. Learning from home reduces daily unplanned physical activity and planned - sports training is less or partially prohibited and sports lessons take place at computer screens, which undoubtedly has a negative effect on learning progress and the student's physical health. The work consists of three theoretical parts and practical part. The aim of the research: to study and analyze the impact of physical activity on the distance learning process among the 8th grade students of the general education school. The study involved 24 students from the 8th grade, including 12 male and 12 female. Keywords: Physical activities, sports lessons, learning success, distance learning, students.
Thesis topic: "The impact of physical activity on the progress of 8th grade students in the distance learning process". Topicality: As the Covid-19 pandemic becomes commonplace, students are forced to study at a distance and school benches cannot be expected to stay. Learning from home reduces daily unplanned physical activity and planned - sports training is less or partially prohibited and sports lessons take place at computer screens, which undoubtedly has a negative effect on learning progress and the student's physical health. The work consists of three theoretical parts and practical part. The aim of the research: to study and analyze the impact of physical activity on the distance learning process among the 8th grade students of the general education school. The study involved 24 students from the 8th grade, including 12 male and 12 female. Keywords: Physical activities, sports lessons, learning success, distance learning, students.
Pedagoģija , Fiziskās aktivitātes , sporta stundas , mācību sekmes , attālinātās mācības , skolēni