Vainojamības jēdziens administratīvo pārkāpumu tiesībās
Ābele, Gatis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Maģistra darbs „Vainojamības jēdziens administratīvo pārkāpumu tiesībās” ir veltīts vainas jēdziena aplūkošanai Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodeksā un vainojamības jēdziena aplūkošanai Administratīvās atbildības likumā, kurš stājas spēkā 2020.gada 1.janvārī. Darbā tiks aplūkots, kāpēc Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodeksā ir definēta vaina nodoma un neuzmanības formā, bet Administratīvās atbildības likumā ir vainojama rīcība, neminot vainas formas, kā arī tiks aplūkots, ko aptver vainojamība, vainojamību izslēdzošie apstākļi un administratīvo atbildību izslēdzošie apstākļi. Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodeksa 9.pantā ir minēts – „Par administratīvo pārkāpumu atzīstama prettiesiska, vainojama (ar nodomu vai aiz neuzmanības izdarīta) darbība vai bezdarbība”, bet Administratīvās atbildības likumā – „Administratīvais pārkāpums ir personas prettiesiska, vainojama rīcība (darbība vai bezdarbība)”. No 1985. gada līdz 2018. gadam Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodekss ir ticis grozīts daudz reizes, un 2020.gada 1.janvārī stājoties spēkā Administratīvās atbildības likumam, vaina un vainojamība tiks noregulēta atbilstoši patiesajai tiesiskajai situācijai administratīvajos pārkāpumos. Ņemot vērā, ka vainas un vainojamības jēdziens iegūs citu nozīmi ar Administratīvās atbildības likumu, nepieciešams precīzi saprast, ko aptver vaina un vainojamība, lai veidotos pareiza izpratne par šiem jēdzieniem. Atslēgvārdi: vaina, vainojamība, apstākļi, kas izslēdz vainojamību, apstākļi, kas izslēdz administratīvo atbildību, nodoms, neuzmanība.
Thesis „The concept of fault in administrative offenses” is devoted to understanding the concept of fault in Latvian Administrative violations code and Administrative responsibility law, which comes into force on January 1st, 2020. Work will be dedicated for looking more closely at why the Latvian Administrative Violations Code defines fault in the form of intent and negligence, but the Act on Administrative Liability defines fault without mentioning fault forms, as well as what is defined by the concept of fault, circumstances that exclude administrative liability and circumstances that exclude fault. Article 9 of the Latvian Administrative violations code states: “An administrative offense shall be considered unlawful, guilty (intentionally or negligently) and the Administrative Liability Law states - “Administrative offense means unlawful, guilty action (act or omission) of a person”. Between 1985 and 2018, the Latvian Administrative offense code has been amended many times, and on January 1, 2020, when the Administrative responsibility law comes into force, fault will be properly regulated in administrative offenses. Given that the notion of fault will have a different meaning with the Administrative responsibility law, it is necessary to precisely understand what is covered by fault in order to have a proper understanding. Keywords: fault, guilt, circumstances that exclude fault, circumstances that exclude administrative liability, intent, negligence.
Thesis „The concept of fault in administrative offenses” is devoted to understanding the concept of fault in Latvian Administrative violations code and Administrative responsibility law, which comes into force on January 1st, 2020. Work will be dedicated for looking more closely at why the Latvian Administrative Violations Code defines fault in the form of intent and negligence, but the Act on Administrative Liability defines fault without mentioning fault forms, as well as what is defined by the concept of fault, circumstances that exclude administrative liability and circumstances that exclude fault. Article 9 of the Latvian Administrative violations code states: “An administrative offense shall be considered unlawful, guilty (intentionally or negligently) and the Administrative Liability Law states - “Administrative offense means unlawful, guilty action (act or omission) of a person”. Between 1985 and 2018, the Latvian Administrative offense code has been amended many times, and on January 1, 2020, when the Administrative responsibility law comes into force, fault will be properly regulated in administrative offenses. Given that the notion of fault will have a different meaning with the Administrative responsibility law, it is necessary to precisely understand what is covered by fault in order to have a proper understanding. Keywords: fault, guilt, circumstances that exclude fault, circumstances that exclude administrative liability, intent, negligence.
Juridiskā zinātne , vaina , vainojamība , apstākļi, kas izslēdz vainojamību , apstākļi, kas izslēdz administratīvo atbildību , nodoms