Ferdinanda Erdmaņa Štolla kāpu tintenes akvareļi
Jamonte, Daiga
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1925. gada jūnijā Baltijas dabaspētnieks Ferdinads Erdmanis Štolls (1874 – 1966) Garciema smilšu kāpās atklāja jaunu sēņu sugu, kam tika dots nosaukums Coprinus dunarum F. E. Stoll, latviski – kāpu tintene. Zinātnieks sēnes fiksēja un detalizēti aprakstīja. Atraduma fotouzņēmumi un akvareļi ir iekļauti viņa vairāk kā 1000 vienību lielajā F. E. Štolla sēņu attēlu kolekcijā, kuru pamatā veido F. E. Štolla zīmētie akvareļi, kas glabājas Latvijas Universitātes muzeja Botānikas un mikoloģijas kolekcijās.
In June 1925, the Baltic naturalist Ferdinad Erdmanis Štolls (1874 - 1966) discovered a new species of fungus in the sand dunes of Garciems, which was named Coprinus dunarum F. E. Stoll. The scientist recorded the mushrooms and described them in detail. Photographs and watercolor paintings of the find are included in his more than 1,000-item collection of images of his mushrooms, based on watercolor paintings drawn by F. E. Stoll. The collection is stored in the Botanical and mycological collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia.
In June 1925, the Baltic naturalist Ferdinad Erdmanis Štolls (1874 - 1966) discovered a new species of fungus in the sand dunes of Garciems, which was named Coprinus dunarum F. E. Stoll. The scientist recorded the mushrooms and described them in detail. Photographs and watercolor paintings of the find are included in his more than 1,000-item collection of images of his mushrooms, based on watercolor paintings drawn by F. E. Stoll. The collection is stored in the Botanical and mycological collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia.
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History of science , Coprinus dunarum , kāpu tintene , Garciems , Langezeem , Ferdinads Erdmanis Štolls , Ferdinand Erdman Stoll , mikoloģija , mycology