Es-tēla veidošanās Latvijas Apvienotās Metodistu baznīcas pusaudžiem
Bārenīte, Vivita
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba nosaukums ir „Es- tēla veidošanās Latvijas Apvienotās Metodistu baznīcas pusaudžiem.” Darba mērķis izpētīt Metodistu baznīcas un nekristiešu pusaudžu Reālo Es- tēla veidošanos ceļā uz Es- ideālo. Tuvāk apskatot Metodisma tradīcijai raksturīgo vienu no trim žēlastības veidiem- Svēttapšanu.
Kā darba hipotēzi autore izvirzīja- Džona Veslija svēttapšans soļi palīdz veidot pozitīvu Es- tēlu Latvijas Apvienotās Metodistu baznīcas pusaudžiem.
Darbs sastāv no ievada, trīs nodaļām ar apakšnodaļām, nobeiguma un pielikuma. Pirmā daļā tiek aplūkotas personības teorijas trīs psihologu skatījumā, pusaudžu vecumposma attīstība, Es- tēla jēdziens un ticības attīstība saistībā ar identitāti. Otrā- Metodistu baznīcas vēsture un Džona Veslija teoloģijas svēttapšanas ceļš. Trešā daļa- empīriskais pētījums, kur piedalās 60 respondentu un secinājumi.
The title of the Bachelor’s Thesis is “Self-image formation in adolescents of Latvian United Methodist Church”. The aim of Thesis is to study the real self-image formation in adolescents of Methodist church and unchristian adolescents on their way to ego ideal. One of three types of grace – sanctification – characterizing the Methodism tradition were considered more thoroughly. An author hypothesized that John Wesley’s sanctification steps help to form the positive self-image in adolescents of Latvian United Methodist Church. Bachelor’s Thesis consists of introduction, three chapters including subchapters, conclusion, and Annex. The first part considers the personality theories established according to the point of view of three psychologists, as well as development of adolescent age-group, the concept of self-image, and influence of faith on identity. The second part considers the history of Methodist Church and the path of sanctification in John Wesley's theology. Third part includes empirical study with participation of 60 respondents as well as conclusions.
The title of the Bachelor’s Thesis is “Self-image formation in adolescents of Latvian United Methodist Church”. The aim of Thesis is to study the real self-image formation in adolescents of Methodist church and unchristian adolescents on their way to ego ideal. One of three types of grace – sanctification – characterizing the Methodism tradition were considered more thoroughly. An author hypothesized that John Wesley’s sanctification steps help to form the positive self-image in adolescents of Latvian United Methodist Church. Bachelor’s Thesis consists of introduction, three chapters including subchapters, conclusion, and Annex. The first part considers the personality theories established according to the point of view of three psychologists, as well as development of adolescent age-group, the concept of self-image, and influence of faith on identity. The second part considers the history of Methodist Church and the path of sanctification in John Wesley's theology. Third part includes empirical study with participation of 60 respondents as well as conclusions.
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