1905.gada revolūcijas atspoguļojums Latvijas 20.gadsimta historiogrāfijā
Avotiņš, Rinalds
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts 1905.gada notikumu atspoguļojumam Latvijas padomju historiogrāfijā. Kā piecu gadu desmitu garumā, kad Latvija bija PSRS okupācijā, šie notikumi tika pasniegti, attēloti un aprakstīti padomju historiogrāfijā? PSRS bija totalitāra valsts ar spēcīgu ideoloģiju. Pēc šīs ideoloģijas tika mērīta visa pasaule un tās vēsture. Īpaši pašas PSRS un tās esošo republiku vēsture. Kādu mērķi padomju valsts centās sasniegt, pasniedzot komunistiskajai ideoloģijai atbilstošu vēstures interpretāciju? Latvija, kas bija PSRS sastāvdaļa, tika stingri kontrolēta visās jomās, arī tās vēstures pētīšanā un interpretācijā. Latvijas vēsture bija PSRS vēsture, tāpēc tās pētīšana bija pilna ar propagandu. Pētījumā tika izmantoti vairāki rakstiskie materiāli. Materiāli bija grāmatas un zinātniski raksti
The bachelors thesis is about the reflection of events of 1905 revolution in soviet Latvian historiography. How, during five decades of soviet occupation, were these events presented, reflected and described in soviet historiography. Soviet Union was a totalitarian state with a strong communist ideology. The whole world and its history was measured whit this ideology. Particularly history of Soviet Union and its republics. What purpose did the Soviet state seek to achieve by presenting the correct interpretation of history? Latvia which was part of the USSR was, firmly, controlled in every area including studying its history and its interpretation. Latvian history was part of soviet history therefore its study was full of propaganda. The paper used many written material. Used material were books and scientific papers.
The bachelors thesis is about the reflection of events of 1905 revolution in soviet Latvian historiography. How, during five decades of soviet occupation, were these events presented, reflected and described in soviet historiography. Soviet Union was a totalitarian state with a strong communist ideology. The whole world and its history was measured whit this ideology. Particularly history of Soviet Union and its republics. What purpose did the Soviet state seek to achieve by presenting the correct interpretation of history? Latvia which was part of the USSR was, firmly, controlled in every area including studying its history and its interpretation. Latvian history was part of soviet history therefore its study was full of propaganda. The paper used many written material. Used material were books and scientific papers.
Vēsture , historiogrāfija , propaganda , revolūcija , sacelšanās , sociālisms