Mārketinga komunikācijas pielietojums auditorijas piesaistei: internetveikalu "AboutYou" un "Membershop" piemēri
Heidemane, Zane
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Mārketinga komunikācijas pielietojums auditorijas piesaistei: internetveikalu “AboutYou” un “Membershop” piemēri". Bakalaura darba ietvaros tiek izpētīts, kāds ir mārketinga komunikācijas pamatuzdevums, kuri mārketinga rīki ir veiksmīgākie, lai piesaistītu auditoriju. Kā arī tiek izanalizēts, cik efektīvs ir internetveikalu “AboutYou” un “Membershop” mārketinga komunikācijas pielietojums auditorijas piesaistei Latvijas tirgū. Darba ietvaros teorētiskajā daļā tiek apskatīta informācija par tēla veidošanu, patērētāju pieņēmumu veidošanos, digitālo mārketingu, mārketinga komunikācijas veidiem, uzņēmuma komunikāciju un sociālajiem tīkliem, jo tie ir kanāli caur kuriem lielākoties norisinās digitālais mārketings. Metodoloģiskajā daļā apskatīta teorētiskā literatūra par kontentanalīzi, intervijām un aptaujām. Tālāk izstrādāta empīriskā daļa, izmantojot šīs pētniecības metodes.
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is "Application of marketing communication to attract an audience: examples of online stores "AboutYou" and "Membershop"". Within the framework of the bachelor's thesis, the basic task of marketing communication is studied, which marketing tools are the most successful in order to attract the audience. Also, the effectiveness of the marketing communication of the online stores “AboutYou” and “Membershop” in attracting the audience in the Latvian market is analyzed. Within the framework of the work, the theoretical part deals with information about image building, consumer assumptions, digital marketing, types of marketing communication, corporate communication and social networks, as these are the channels through which digital marketing mostly takes place. The methodological part deals with the theoretical literature on content analysis, interviews and surveys. The empirical part using these research methods is further developed.
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is "Application of marketing communication to attract an audience: examples of online stores "AboutYou" and "Membershop"". Within the framework of the bachelor's thesis, the basic task of marketing communication is studied, which marketing tools are the most successful in order to attract the audience. Also, the effectiveness of the marketing communication of the online stores “AboutYou” and “Membershop” in attracting the audience in the Latvian market is analyzed. Within the framework of the work, the theoretical part deals with information about image building, consumer assumptions, digital marketing, types of marketing communication, corporate communication and social networks, as these are the channels through which digital marketing mostly takes place. The methodological part deals with the theoretical literature on content analysis, interviews and surveys. The empirical part using these research methods is further developed.
Komunikācijas zinātne , Mārketings , Mārketinga komunikācija , Sociālie mediji , "AboutYou" , "Membershop"