Pasaulē lielākā koka čiekuri Latvijas Universitātes Muzejā
Kuzņecova, Kristīne
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LU Muzeja Botānikas un mikoloģijas kolekcijas dāvinājumā no valodnieces Ievas Auziņas Szentivanyi saņēmušas 5 milzu mamutkoka (Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J.Buchh.) čiekurus, 3 no kuriem savākti šīs sugas pārstāvja, pašlaik pasaulē lielākā koka pēc koksnes apjoma, Ģenerāļa Šermana (General Sherman), pakājē.
Botanical and Mycological Collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia received as a gift from the linguist Ieva Auziņa Szentivanyi 5 cones of the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchh.), 3 of which were collected from General Sherman - largest known living single-stem tree on Earth.
Botanical and Mycological Collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia received as a gift from the linguist Ieva Auziņa Szentivanyi 5 cones of the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchh.), 3 of which were collected from General Sherman - largest known living single-stem tree on Earth.
Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Biology::Organism biology::Plant physiology , čiekuri , cones , milzu mamutkoks , giant sequoia , Sequoiadendron giganteum , General Sherman , Ģenerālis Šermans , Ieva Auziņa Szentivanyi