Ātrspēka attīstīšana futbolistiem sacensību periodā
Sveķis, Klāvs
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kvalifikācijas darbs: Ātrspēka attīstīšana futbolistiem sacensību periodā. Darba mērķis: Uzlabot ātrspēka īpašības futbolistiem sacensību periodā, pielietojot izstrādāto vingrinājumu kopu. Kvalifikācijas darba izstrādē veikta literatūras analīze, kuras laikā apskatīta zinātniskā un akadēmiskā literatūra, interneta vidē pieejamie informācijas avoti un datubāzes par ātrspēka attīstīšanu futbolistiem sacensību periodā. Pētnieciskajā daļā veikta futbolistu ātrspēka izpausmju testēšana pirms un pēc vingrinājumu kopas izmantošanas 10 nedēļu garumā, pēc kā secināts, ka skrējienu un lēcienu vingrojumi uzlabo futbolistu ātrspēka īpašības. Darba apjoms: 56 lappuses, kas ietver 17 attēlus, 4 tabulas, 46 literatūras avotus, 1 pielikumu.
Qualification Paper: Developing strength-speed in footballers during the season. Purpose: To improve strength-speed in football players during the season with the help of the developed set of exercises. The Qualification Paper is based on an analysis of literature which included studying of scientific and academic papers, information sources available online, and databases on developing strength-speed in footballers during the season. The research part of the paper consisted of two tests—the strength-speed capabilities of football players were tested both before and after taking a set of exercises throughout 10 weeks. As a result, it was concluded that exercises involving running and jump training can improve the strength-speed capabilities in footballers. Volume of the Paper: 56 pages, including 17 images, 4 tables, 46 sources of literature, and 1 appendix.
Qualification Paper: Developing strength-speed in footballers during the season. Purpose: To improve strength-speed in football players during the season with the help of the developed set of exercises. The Qualification Paper is based on an analysis of literature which included studying of scientific and academic papers, information sources available online, and databases on developing strength-speed in footballers during the season. The research part of the paper consisted of two tests—the strength-speed capabilities of football players were tested both before and after taking a set of exercises throughout 10 weeks. As a result, it was concluded that exercises involving running and jump training can improve the strength-speed capabilities in footballers. Volume of the Paper: 56 pages, including 17 images, 4 tables, 46 sources of literature, and 1 appendix.
Sporta zinātne , Futbols , pliometrija, , Ātrspeks , Eurofit , Attīstīšana