Upju sateces baseina un upju tīkla ģeomorfometriskā analīze: Salacas upes sateces baseina piemērs
Krauja, Liene
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Latvijas Universitāte
Maģistra darba mērķis ir izstrādāt un izvērtēt metodiku reģionāla mēroga upju sateces baseina un upju tīkla noteikšanai, balstoties uz ģeomorfometriskās analīzes principiem. Maģistra darbā tika apkopota informācija par digitālo reljefa modeļu izveidi hidroloģiskajām vajadzībām un izstrādāta metodika upju sateces baseina un upju tīkla noteikšanai, kas tika aprobēta Salacas upes sateces baseina teritorijā. Izstrādājot metodiku sateces baseinu un upju tīklu automātiskai noteikšanai, tiek attīstīts Latvijas iekšējo ūdeņu vispārējais modelis, kura mērķis ir kartēt dažādu aizsargājamo zivju sugu izplatību. Šāda pieeja sugu aizsardzībai Latvijā iepriekš nav pielietota un, attīstoties datu apstrādes jaudai, var dot pienesumu iekšzemes ūdeņos dzīvojošo sugu aizsardzībai nākotnē. Pielietojot pētījumā izstrādāto metodi, tika veikta kvalitatīva hidroloģiskā analīze, kura lielā mērā sakrīt ar literatūrā pieejamo informāciju par Salacas upes sateces baseinu.
The aim of the thesis is to develop a methodology for the delineation of watershed and river network based on the principles of geomorphometry. Literature research on the development of digital elevation models for hydrological purposes and methodology for watershed and river network delineation was conducted. The results were validated in the pilot area of the Salaca river basin. The development of the specific methodology is helping to improve the hydrological model of inland waters of Latvia which aims to quantify the distribution of protected freshwater fish species. This type of approach has not been used for species conservation in Latvia before and with increasing computational capacity, can contribute to the conservation of inland species in the future. The method developed in this study resulted in a high quality hydrological model, that is largely consistent with reference data on river Salaca watershed.
The aim of the thesis is to develop a methodology for the delineation of watershed and river network based on the principles of geomorphometry. Literature research on the development of digital elevation models for hydrological purposes and methodology for watershed and river network delineation was conducted. The results were validated in the pilot area of the Salaca river basin. The development of the specific methodology is helping to improve the hydrological model of inland waters of Latvia which aims to quantify the distribution of protected freshwater fish species. This type of approach has not been used for species conservation in Latvia before and with increasing computational capacity, can contribute to the conservation of inland species in the future. The method developed in this study resulted in a high quality hydrological model, that is largely consistent with reference data on river Salaca watershed.
Ģeogrāfija , ģeomorfometrija , hidroloģija , modelēšana , sateces baseins , upju tīkls