Faktorings, tā administrēšana
Mizāne, Liāna
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Latvijas Universitāte
darba tēma „Faktorings,tā administrēšana” saistīta ar to,ka faktorings Latvijā ir pazīstams tikai 10. gadus,un pēdējo gadu laikā strauji attīstījusies tieši šis kreditēšanas veids. Taču informācija par faktoringu un tā piedāvātajām iespējām ir mazs, tādēļ autors piedāvā iepazīties ar faktoringa būtību, tā uzskaiti un priekšrocībām izmantojot tieši šo kreditēšanas veidu.
Darba mērķis iepazīstināt lasītājus ar faktoringa vēsturi,attīstības iespējām un uzskaiti vienā no lielākajam līzinga kompānijām.
Darba gaitā svarīgākie iegūtie secinājumi ir–faktoringa administrēšana un uzskaite ir sarežģīts process,kas nepārtraukti tiek uzlabots un papildināts, faktoringam ir lielas attīstības iespējas Latvijas tirgu.
Darbā izmantoti LR likumi, Latvijas autoru–ekonomistu analītiskās un aprakstošās publikācijas,kā arī CSP un LLDA statistikas dati.
article choice of diploma paper theme„Factorings,and its administration”is selected because factorings in Latvia Sign only 10 years,and in last year this kind of crediting has developed. But information about factorings and possibility not enough, and author in paper asses to see with factorings nature, accountancy,and interest to choose this crediting. The goal of diploma paper to acquaint with history,opportunities of development,and the account in one of the largest leasing company. During work the main conclusions is–factorings administration and accountancy complicated process, who incessantly improve,factorings have a large developmental in Latvia. In diploma paper author use Acts of LR, Regulations issued by the Cabinet of Ministers,analytical and descriptive publications of Latvian authors, as well as data from CBS and LLDA data.
article choice of diploma paper theme„Factorings,and its administration”is selected because factorings in Latvia Sign only 10 years,and in last year this kind of crediting has developed. But information about factorings and possibility not enough, and author in paper asses to see with factorings nature, accountancy,and interest to choose this crediting. The goal of diploma paper to acquaint with history,opportunities of development,and the account in one of the largest leasing company. During work the main conclusions is–factorings administration and accountancy complicated process, who incessantly improve,factorings have a large developmental in Latvia. In diploma paper author use Acts of LR, Regulations issued by the Cabinet of Ministers,analytical and descriptive publications of Latvian authors, as well as data from CBS and LLDA data.