Maģistrālo artēriju vazomocijas fotopletizmogrāfiska izpēte
Kanders, Kārlis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šī darba mērķis bija parādīt vazomocijas fenomenu maģistrālā artērijā ar neinvazīvu metodi - fotopletizmogrāfiju.
Tika iegūts 15 minūšu nepārtraukts maģistrālās artērijas a. tibialis posterior sieniņas stinguma lokālā parametra (b/a) un reģionālā parametra (pulsa viļņa ātruma) pieraksts, kā arī vienlaicīgi tika reģistrēta elektrokardiogramma, asinsspiediens un elpošana. Lai identificētu vazomociju, tika aprēķināti stinguma parametru ātrās Furjē transformācijas jaudas spektri.
Tika secināts, ka b/a ir piemērots vazomocijas identificēšanai, jo asinsvadam tiek mērīts stingums tikai vienā vietā, kā rezultātā var atrast vairākas svārstību komponentes, kas, iespējams, ir ar lokālu, spontānu izcelsmi. Savukārt pulsa viļņa ātrums nav piemērots vazomocijas identificēšanai, jo ietver informāciju par pārāk lielu asinsvada posmu, kā rezultātā pulsa viļņa ātruma fluktuācijas zemo frekvenču diapazonā sakrīt ar sirds-asinsrites sistēmisko parametru fluktuācijām.
The aim of this study was to show vasomotion in a conduit artery using non-invasive method (photoplethysmography). Continuous measurements of artery a. tibialis posterior wall local stiffness (b/a) and regional stiffness (pulse wave velocity) were taken for 15 minutes, while electrocardiogram, blood pressure and respiration were also simultaneously registered. Fast Fourier Transform power spectra of stiffness parameters were calculated to identify vasomotion. In conclusion, b/a is suitable for identifying vasomotion, because the stiffness is measured at one site and that makes it is possible to find local, spontaneous frequency components of the stiffness fluctuations. However, pulse wave velocity is not suitable for identifying vasomotion, because the signal contains information about a whole segment of an artery and therefore it is heavily influenced by fluctuations of systemic cardiovascular parameters.
The aim of this study was to show vasomotion in a conduit artery using non-invasive method (photoplethysmography). Continuous measurements of artery a. tibialis posterior wall local stiffness (b/a) and regional stiffness (pulse wave velocity) were taken for 15 minutes, while electrocardiogram, blood pressure and respiration were also simultaneously registered. Fast Fourier Transform power spectra of stiffness parameters were calculated to identify vasomotion. In conclusion, b/a is suitable for identifying vasomotion, because the stiffness is measured at one site and that makes it is possible to find local, spontaneous frequency components of the stiffness fluctuations. However, pulse wave velocity is not suitable for identifying vasomotion, because the signal contains information about a whole segment of an artery and therefore it is heavily influenced by fluctuations of systemic cardiovascular parameters.