Matemātikas zināšanu pielietojums ārpus klases aktivitātēs
Liepa, Līga
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba autore ir Līga Liepa.Bakalaura nosaukums ir„Matemātikas zināšanu pielietojums ārpus klases aktivitātēs”.Darba mērķis ir izstrādāt aktīvu„Matemātikas dienu”skolēniem vecuma grupā no 7.līdz 9.klasei,kas balstīta uz matemātikas zināšanu nostiprināšanu un pielietošanu.„Matemātikas dienas”laikā skolēni iegūst izpratni par to,ka matemātika neeksistē viņu dzīvēs tikai kā mācību stunda, kamēr apmeklē izglītības iestādi,bet gan to,ka ar to saskare ir visas dzīves garumā.Darbā ir aprakstīts,kādas ir skolēnu vajadzības un vēlmes pusaudžu vecumā(7.-9. klase).Balstoties uz šīm vajadzībām ir izveidoti uzdevumu bloki un jēdzienu darba lapas matemātikā.Uzdevumu bloki veidoti pēc sporta spēļu/sporta dienas principa,kas varētu tikt ieviests kā jauns ikgadējs pasākums skolā.Jēdzienu darba lapas veidotas kā izzinošs mājas darbs,kura izpilde piemērota projektu nedēļai.Atslēgas vārdi:vecumposmu īpatnības,„Matemātikas diena”Sporta laukums,interesanti uzdevumi,matemātikas jēdzieni,darbs grupās
Līga Liepa is the author of the Bachelor’s Work. The title of the Bachelor’s Work is `The use of the knowledge of maths in the out-of-class activities`. The aim is to work out an active day of maths for the students in the age group of Form 7-9 based on the use and strengthening of the knowledge of maths.During the`Maths Day`the students realize that maths is not only the lesson in the school curriculum,but also the necessity in their lives. The teenagers`(students of Forms 7-9)needs and wishes have been described in the work. Worksheets with the sets of sums and conceptions in maths have been worked out taking into consideration those teenagers`needs.The worksheets with conceptions have been created as the educational hometask which is very much related to the project week. The key words are as follows-distinguishing features of the age group,`Maths Day`,a sports field,interesting sums,conceptions in maths,group work.
Līga Liepa is the author of the Bachelor’s Work. The title of the Bachelor’s Work is `The use of the knowledge of maths in the out-of-class activities`. The aim is to work out an active day of maths for the students in the age group of Form 7-9 based on the use and strengthening of the knowledge of maths.During the`Maths Day`the students realize that maths is not only the lesson in the school curriculum,but also the necessity in their lives. The teenagers`(students of Forms 7-9)needs and wishes have been described in the work. Worksheets with the sets of sums and conceptions in maths have been worked out taking into consideration those teenagers`needs.The worksheets with conceptions have been created as the educational hometask which is very much related to the project week. The key words are as follows-distinguishing features of the age group,`Maths Day`,a sports field,interesting sums,conceptions in maths,group work.