Biežo lidojumu programmu ietekme uz patērētāju uzvedību
Wever, Mark
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Latvijas Universitāte
Biežo lidojumu programmas (BLP) ir izveidotas kā populāri stimulēšanas plāni. Ņemot vērā pieaugošo izmaksu ietekmi uz aviācijas nozari, aizvien biežāk tiek apšaubīta BLP efektivitāte, lai iegūtu un noturētu aviokompāniju klientus. Šajā pētījumā novērtēti efektīvas BLP izstrādes noteicošie faktori, izmantojot jauktā modeļa pieeju, kas ietver tirgus analīzi, sistemātisku pārskatu, ekspertu intervijas un Vācijas Miles & More dalībnieku klientu aptauju (n = 502). BLP ietekmē visus klientu uzvedības ķēdes līmeņus. BLP elementi intensīvi mijiedarbojas: efektīva pakalpojumu, statusa un naudas balvu kombinācija maksimāli palielina ietekmi uz klientu; to kopīgi nosaka partneru tīkls, izpirkšanas iespējas, aviokompāniju drošība un kvalitāte. Lai uzrunātu šos klientus, aviokompānijām jāattīsta savas programmas un jāuztur BLP godīgums, nodrošinot pārredzamus un stabilus izpirkšanas nosacījumus un vispusīgu pakalpojumu paketi. Atslēgvārdi: biežo lidojumu programma, aviokompānija, klientu lojalitāte, klientu attiecību pārvaldība.
Frequent flyer programs (FFP) have been established as popular incentive schemes. The effectiveness of FFP to gain and retain airline customers is increasingly questioned in the face of growing cost pressures in the aviation sector. This study evaluates determiners of effective FFP design in a mixed model approach, including market analysis, systematic review, expert interviews and a customer survey (n = 502) of Miles & More members in Germany. FFPs impact all levels of the customer behavior chain. FFP elements intensely interact: an effective combination of service, status and monetary awards maximizes customer impact; partner network, redemption options, airline safety and quality codetermine it. Airlines should develop their programs to appeal to these customers and maintain the perceived honesty of their FFP by transparent and steady redemption conditions and a comprehensive service package. Keywords: frequent flyer program, airline, customer loyalty, customer relationship management.
Frequent flyer programs (FFP) have been established as popular incentive schemes. The effectiveness of FFP to gain and retain airline customers is increasingly questioned in the face of growing cost pressures in the aviation sector. This study evaluates determiners of effective FFP design in a mixed model approach, including market analysis, systematic review, expert interviews and a customer survey (n = 502) of Miles & More members in Germany. FFPs impact all levels of the customer behavior chain. FFP elements intensely interact: an effective combination of service, status and monetary awards maximizes customer impact; partner network, redemption options, airline safety and quality codetermine it. Airlines should develop their programs to appeal to these customers and maintain the perceived honesty of their FFP by transparent and steady redemption conditions and a comprehensive service package. Keywords: frequent flyer program, airline, customer loyalty, customer relationship management.
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Globālā ekonomika un līderība [Angļu val.] , Vadība, administrēšana un nekustamo īpašumu pārvaldība