Agrārā reforma Latvijā 1988.-1996.
Krūmiņš, Gatis
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Latvijas Universitāte
1988.-1996. gados realizētā agrārā reforma bija viena no sarežģītākajām reformām,
kura Latvijā tika īstenota 20. gadsimta astoņdesmitajos un deviņdesmitajos gados.
Reformas īpašu specifiku nosaka fakts, ka reforma tika uzsākta 1988. gadā, vēl Latvijas
PSR laikā, bet pabeigta tika jau pēc Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanas. Vienlaicīgi ar agrārās
reformas realizāciju Latvijas ekonomiku ietekmēja straujas pārmaiņas, kuras bija saistītas
ar komunisma sabrukumu Austrumeiropā. Beidza pastāvēt PSRS izveidotā un
Austrumeiropas valstīm uzspiestā sociālistiskā ekonomiskā sistēma.
Pirmajos gados pēc Latvijas valstiskās neatkarības atjaunošanas strauji
samazinājās lauksaimnieciskās ražošanas apjomi un lauku iedzīvotāju ienākumi. Lielas
lauksaimniecībā izmantojamās zemes platības netika apstrādātas, Latvijā saražoto
lauksaimniecības produkciju pat vietējā tirgū izkonkurēja ārvalstu ražojumi. Īsā laikā tika
iznīcināta ievērojama daļa no padomju laikā radītajiem ražošanas objektiem un bijušo
kopsaimniecību infrastruktūra.
Lauksaimniecības produkcijas kritumu 20.gadsimta deviņdesmito gadu pirmajā pusē
neizraisīja agrārā reforma, bet PSRS ekonomiskās sistēmas iepriekš radītās disproporcijas.
Labvēlīgu tirgus nosacījumu gadījumā (kādi bija 20.gadsimta divdesmitajos un
trīsdesmitajos gados) īstenotā zemes reforma un straujā kopsaimniecību privatizācija būtu
lauksaimniecisko ražošanu stimulējoši faktori.
The agrarian reform of 1988-1996 was one of the most complicated reforms carried out in Latvia in 1980s-1990s. What made this reform particularly specific was the fact that it was launched in 1988 when the Latvian SSR still existed, but completed after the regaining of Latvia’s independence. Along with the ongoing agrarian reform Latvia’s economy was influenced also by the rapid changes accompanying the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. The socialistic system of economy, which had been created by the USSR and imposed on the Eastern European countries, ceased to exist. In the first years after the regaining of Latvia’s national independence the scope of agricultural production and income of rural population dramatically decreased. Large areas of agricultural lands were left uncultivated. Imported products ousted the Latvian agricultural produce even from the domestic market. A considerable part of the production facilities built during the Soviet period and the infrastructure of former collective farms was destroyed in a short time. The fall of agricultural production in the first half of 1990s was not caused by the agrarian reform, but by the disproportions that the USSR economic system had created earlier. Land reform and rapid privatisation of collective farms in case of favourable market situation (similar to that in 1920s-1930s) would have served as factors that stimulate agricultural production.
The agrarian reform of 1988-1996 was one of the most complicated reforms carried out in Latvia in 1980s-1990s. What made this reform particularly specific was the fact that it was launched in 1988 when the Latvian SSR still existed, but completed after the regaining of Latvia’s independence. Along with the ongoing agrarian reform Latvia’s economy was influenced also by the rapid changes accompanying the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. The socialistic system of economy, which had been created by the USSR and imposed on the Eastern European countries, ceased to exist. In the first years after the regaining of Latvia’s national independence the scope of agricultural production and income of rural population dramatically decreased. Large areas of agricultural lands were left uncultivated. Imported products ousted the Latvian agricultural produce even from the domestic market. A considerable part of the production facilities built during the Soviet period and the infrastructure of former collective farms was destroyed in a short time. The fall of agricultural production in the first half of 1990s was not caused by the agrarian reform, but by the disproportions that the USSR economic system had created earlier. Land reform and rapid privatisation of collective farms in case of favourable market situation (similar to that in 1920s-1930s) would have served as factors that stimulate agricultural production.
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Vēsture , Vēsture, filozofija