18F-PSMA-1007 ražošana, kvalitātes kontrole un tā salīdzinājums ar citiem radiofarmaceitiskajiem preparātiem
Berga, Marta
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Latvijas Universitāte
Literatūras apskatā apkopota informācija par radionuklīdiem, radioaktīvo sabrukšanu, pozitronu emisijas tomogrāfiju, prostatas vēzi, radiofarmaceitisko preparātu būtību, nozīmi un kvalitātes kontroli. Tāpat ir apkopota informācija arī par konkrēto radiofarmaceitisko preparātu – 18F-PSMA-1007 un tā sintēzi, kā arī izmantošanas iespējām medicīnā. Maģistra darba eksperimentālajā daļā veikta 18F radionuklīda iegūšana un radiofarmaceitiskā preparāta 18F-PSMA-1007 sintēze, izstrādātas kvalitātes kontroles analīzes metodes, ar kurām tika noteikta radiofarmaceitiskā preparāta radionuklīdu, radioķīmiskās un ķīmiskās tīrības pārbaude, veikta identitātes pierādīšana un noteikti citi kvalitātes parametri, ar kuriem novērtēta sintēzes efektivitāte. Veikts salīdzinājums ar citiem radiofarmaceitiskajiem preparātiem, kas tiek izmantoti prostatas vēža diagnostikā.
In this work literature about radionuclides, radioactive decay, positron emission tomography, prostate cancer, the nature, importance and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals. In addition, literature about specific radiopharmaceutical – 18F-PSMA-1007 and its synthesis, as well as the possibilities of use in medicine were also summarized. In the practical part of thesis, the production of 18F radionuclide and synthesis of 18F-PSMA-1007 was performed, analytical procedure of quality control were developed, which was used to determine radionuclidic, radiochemical and chemical purity, to test identity and to determine other quality parameters with whom efficiency of synthesis was evaluated. A comparison with other radiopharmaceuticals, which are being used in the diagnostics of prostate cancer, has been made.
In this work literature about radionuclides, radioactive decay, positron emission tomography, prostate cancer, the nature, importance and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals. In addition, literature about specific radiopharmaceutical – 18F-PSMA-1007 and its synthesis, as well as the possibilities of use in medicine were also summarized. In the practical part of thesis, the production of 18F radionuclide and synthesis of 18F-PSMA-1007 was performed, analytical procedure of quality control were developed, which was used to determine radionuclidic, radiochemical and chemical purity, to test identity and to determine other quality parameters with whom efficiency of synthesis was evaluated. A comparison with other radiopharmaceuticals, which are being used in the diagnostics of prostate cancer, has been made.