HCV prototype vaccine based on alphaviral recombinant replicons : Colleted Publications
Aleksejeva, Jekaterina
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Latvijas Universitāte
Promocijas darba mērķis ir jauna tipa anti-HCV vakcīnu kandidātu izveidošana, pamatojoties
uz vispārēju koncepciju, ka viens vai vairāki HCV strukturālie gēni tiek inkorporēti vīrusa –
nesēja (mūsu gadījumā, SFV un Sindbis vīrusi) genomā, nodrošinot imunogēno struktūru
amplifikāciju un ekspresēšanu. Šī sistēma tās augstā ekspresijas līmeņa, plašā saimniekšūnu
spektra un citoplazmatiskās replikācijas dēļ nodrošina unikālu iespēju šūnu kultūrā,
izmantojot rekombinantos alfavīrusus, kuros ievadīti HCV gēni, pētīt HCV dzīves ciklu un
bioloģiju un izmantot rekombinantos vīrusus kā jauna tipa efektīvas vakcīnas.
The aim of this thesis is the development of the newer types of an anti-HCV vaccine candidates, based on the general concept, that one or several structural genes of the HCV are incorporated into the genome of a viral carrier (in our case, SFV and Sindbis) for amplification and expression of the immunogens. This system due to high-level expression, broad host range and cytoplasmic replication provides a unique opportunity to the study the life cycle and biology of HCV in cell culture using recombinant alphaviruses carrying HCV genes and let to use recombinant viruses as new type of powerful vaccines.
The aim of this thesis is the development of the newer types of an anti-HCV vaccine candidates, based on the general concept, that one or several structural genes of the HCV are incorporated into the genome of a viral carrier (in our case, SFV and Sindbis) for amplification and expression of the immunogens. This system due to high-level expression, broad host range and cytoplasmic replication provides a unique opportunity to the study the life cycle and biology of HCV in cell culture using recombinant alphaviruses carrying HCV genes and let to use recombinant viruses as new type of powerful vaccines.
Bioloģija , Biology