Darba vides riski strādājošajiem būvniecībā paredzēto betona izstrādājumu ražošanā, preventīvie pasākumi nelaimes gadījumu darbā un arodslimību riska mazināšanai
Čehova, Baiba
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Latvijas Universitāte
Apstrādes rūpniecības nozare Latvijā vairāku gadu periodā ir ierindojusies pirmajā vietā gan pēc reģistrēto nelaimes gadījumu skaita, gan pēc pirmreizēji reģistrētu arodslimnieku skaita. Latvijas betona izstrādājumu ražošanā nodarbināto darba vide, ņemot vērā komplicēto darba vides risku dabu, nav pietiekoši izpētīta. Pētījuma 1. daļa - literatūras analīze, kas uzrāda, ka galvenie darba vides riski ir fizikālie, putekļi un biomehāniskie, kas veicina aroda saslimšanu (vājdzirdību, vibrācijas un MSS slimības, u.c.). 2. daļa - pētījuma metodes, pētījuma pamatā pielietota Somijas 5 baļļu matrica, datu statistiskā analīze. 3. daļa - rezultāti un diskusijas. 4. daļa - priekšlikumi un aizsardzības pasākumi. Pētījumā secināts, ka troksnis, lokālā vibrācija, apgaismojums, smaguma pārvietošana, piespiedu pozas, silikātus saturošie, abrazīvie putekļi, īssavienojumi, aizdegšanās, būtiski ietekmē darbiniekus un ir nepietiekami kontrolēti. Riskiem visvairāk pakļauti - palīgstrādnieki, stiegrotāji, apdares darbu veicēji. Izstrādātas praktiskās rekomendācijas.
During the period of several years, the manufacturing industry in Latvia has ranked first in terms of both the number of registered accidents and the number of first-time registered occupational patients. In Latvia, the work environment of those employed in the production of concrete products, taking into account the nature of the complex risks of the work environment, has not been sufficiently studied. Part 1 of the study - analysis of the literature, which shows that the main risks in the work environment are physical, dust and biomechanical, which contribute to occupational diseases (hearing loss, vibration and MSDs, etc.). Part 2 - research methods, the research is based on a Finnish 5-point matrix, statistical analysis of data. Part 3 - Results and discussion. Part 4 - Proposals and safety measures. The study concluded that noise, local vibration, lighting, weight transfer, forced postures, silicate-containing, abrasive dust, short circuits, ignition significantly affect workers and are insufficiently controlled. The most exposed to risks - auxiliary workers, reinforcers, finishing workers. Practical recommendations have been developed.
During the period of several years, the manufacturing industry in Latvia has ranked first in terms of both the number of registered accidents and the number of first-time registered occupational patients. In Latvia, the work environment of those employed in the production of concrete products, taking into account the nature of the complex risks of the work environment, has not been sufficiently studied. Part 1 of the study - analysis of the literature, which shows that the main risks in the work environment are physical, dust and biomechanical, which contribute to occupational diseases (hearing loss, vibration and MSDs, etc.). Part 2 - research methods, the research is based on a Finnish 5-point matrix, statistical analysis of data. Part 3 - Results and discussion. Part 4 - Proposals and safety measures. The study concluded that noise, local vibration, lighting, weight transfer, forced postures, silicate-containing, abrasive dust, short circuits, ignition significantly affect workers and are insufficiently controlled. The most exposed to risks - auxiliary workers, reinforcers, finishing workers. Practical recommendations have been developed.
Darba vides aizsardzība un ekspertīze , betona izstrādājumu ražošanā nodarbinātie , darba vides riski , preventīvie pasākumi , .