Foroptera Vision R-800 un proves lēcu izmantošana labākā koriģētā redzes asuma noteikšanā
Drozda, Elīna
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 35 lapaspusēm. Tas satur 15 attēlus, 3 tabulas, 38 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Cilvēka redze ir viena no visbūtiskākajām cilvēka maņām, no kā ir atkarīga gan pārvietošanās telpā, gan ikdienišķas darbības. Redzes kvalitāti izsaka ar terminu redzes asums. Mūsdienu steidzīgajā ritmā ir svarīgi veikt redzes pārbaudi ātri un kvalitatīvi, tāpēc tiek meklēti veidi kā atvieglot optometrista darbu un samazināt laiku ko pacients pavada kabinetā, nezaudējot vizītes kvalitāti. Galvenokārt, vizītes laikā, izmanto proves lēcas vai foropteru un dažādas redzes asuma noteikšanas kartes, lai noteiktu redzes asumu pacientam. Izstrādājot pētījumu maģistra darba ietvaros tika salīdzināts redzes asums starp Vision R-800 un proves rāmis ar lēcām. Pētījumā piedalījās kopumā 30 no 64 izvērtētajiem pacientiem. No 30 pētījuma dalībniekiem sievietes n= 23 (76.67% no dalībniekiem), vīrieši n= 7 (23.33% no dalībniekiem), vecumā 40.87 gadi +/- 12.70 gadi (no 14 līdz 59). Lai noteiktu ametropijas korekciju tika izmantots arī Vision R-800 foropters un proves rāmis ar lēcām. Vidējais ametropijas lielums izmantojot Vision R-800 foropteru ar soli 0.05 D bija -0.78 D +/- 2.29 D (no -6.35 līdz +4.10 ), bet izmantojot proves rāmi ar lēcām vidējais ametropijs lielums izmantojot 0.25 D bija -0.85 D +/- 2.29 D (-6.25 D līdz +4.00 ). Savā pētījumā novēroju, ka 88.33% no dalībnieku 60 acīm ir iespējams iegūt korekciju ar soli zemāku par 0.25 D, kamēr 11.67% no dalībnieku 60 acīm zemākais solis bija 0.25 D liels. Salīdzinot abas metodes iegūtās redzes asuma vērtības noradīja, ka α=0.05 līmenī nav statistiski būtiskas atšķirības starp Vision R-800 (vidējā vērtība -0.073 LogMAR; mediāna -0.1 LogMAR; SD 0.05 LogMAR; D- 0.29 p= 0.00007) un proves rāmja un lēcām (vidējā vērtība -0.08 LogMAR; mediāna -0.1 LogMAR; SD 0.04 LogMAR; p=0.0009). Tika noskaidrots, ka tikai 8 gadījumos Redzes asums atšķiras starp abām metodēm, no Vilkoksona rangu zīmju testa tika izsecināts, ka W= 12 un tā kritiskā vērtība pie N=8 ir 1, jo p < .01.
The work is written in Latvian on 35 pages. It contains 15 figures, 3 tables, 38 references. Human vision is one of the most important human senses, on which both movement in space and daily activities depend. Visual quality is expressed by the term visual acuity. In today's fast-paced rhythm, it is important to perform a vision test quickly and qualitatively, so various ways are being sought to optimize optimistic work and simply spend time in the office without losing the quality of the visit. Most importantly, during the visit, use a demonstrating lens or phoropter and various visual acuity cards to bring the same vision as the patient. During the development of the research in the field of master's thesis, the visual acuity was compared between the Vision R-800 and the frame with the lens. In the study, a total of 30 out of 64 evaluated appear. Of the 30 study participants, women n = 23 (76.67% of participants), men n = 7 (23.33% without participants), aged 40.87 years +/- 12.70 years (from 14 to 59). For the main ametropia correction only the Vision R-800 foropters and proves the frame with the lens. The mean ametropia value using a Vision R-800 foropter with a step of 0.05 D was -0.78 D +/- 2.29 D (from -6.35 to +4.10), but when using a frame with lenses, the mean ametropia value using a 0.25 D was -0.85 D + / - 2.29 D (-6.25 D to +4.00). In my study, I observed that 88.33% of non-participants 60 were obviously able to obtain a correction with a step below 0.25 D, while 11.67% of non-participants 60 had an obvious lowest step of 0.25 D. Comparing the visual acuity values obtained by the two methods, it was indicated that at the α = 0.05 level there is no statistically significant difference between Vision R-800 (mean value -0.073 LogMAR; median -0.1 LogMAR; SD 0.05 LogMAR; D- 0.29 p = 0.00007) and does not prove frame and lenses (mean value -0.08 LogMAR; median -0.1 LogMAR; SD 0.04 LogMAR; p = 0.0009). It was found that in only 8 cases the visual acuity differs between the two methods, from the Wilcoxon rank test it was concluded that W = 12 and its critical value at N = 8 is 1, because p <.01
The work is written in Latvian on 35 pages. It contains 15 figures, 3 tables, 38 references. Human vision is one of the most important human senses, on which both movement in space and daily activities depend. Visual quality is expressed by the term visual acuity. In today's fast-paced rhythm, it is important to perform a vision test quickly and qualitatively, so various ways are being sought to optimize optimistic work and simply spend time in the office without losing the quality of the visit. Most importantly, during the visit, use a demonstrating lens or phoropter and various visual acuity cards to bring the same vision as the patient. During the development of the research in the field of master's thesis, the visual acuity was compared between the Vision R-800 and the frame with the lens. In the study, a total of 30 out of 64 evaluated appear. Of the 30 study participants, women n = 23 (76.67% of participants), men n = 7 (23.33% without participants), aged 40.87 years +/- 12.70 years (from 14 to 59). For the main ametropia correction only the Vision R-800 foropters and proves the frame with the lens. The mean ametropia value using a Vision R-800 foropter with a step of 0.05 D was -0.78 D +/- 2.29 D (from -6.35 to +4.10), but when using a frame with lenses, the mean ametropia value using a 0.25 D was -0.85 D + / - 2.29 D (-6.25 D to +4.00). In my study, I observed that 88.33% of non-participants 60 were obviously able to obtain a correction with a step below 0.25 D, while 11.67% of non-participants 60 had an obvious lowest step of 0.25 D. Comparing the visual acuity values obtained by the two methods, it was indicated that at the α = 0.05 level there is no statistically significant difference between Vision R-800 (mean value -0.073 LogMAR; median -0.1 LogMAR; SD 0.05 LogMAR; D- 0.29 p = 0.00007) and does not prove frame and lenses (mean value -0.08 LogMAR; median -0.1 LogMAR; SD 0.04 LogMAR; p = 0.0009). It was found that in only 8 cases the visual acuity differs between the two methods, from the Wilcoxon rank test it was concluded that W = 12 and its critical value at N = 8 is 1, because p <.01
Fizika , : redzes asums , subjektīvā refrakcija , digitālā refrakcija , Vision R-800 foropers