Brexit ietekme uz Eiropas Savienību
Laņko, Rihards
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Latvijas Universitāte
Lielbritānijai pametot Eiropas Savienību, var rasties neprognozējamas sekas, kas var iedarbosies gan uz Eiropas Savienību, gan uz Latviju, gan uz pašu Lielbritāniju. Šīs sekas var skart visu Eiropas politiku, tirdzniecību, ekonomiku un diplomātiju. Darba mērķis ir izveidot iespējamos attīstības scenārijus, kuri varētu notikt pēc Lielbritānijas izstāšanās no ES, kā arī izprast kādas sekas šis process varētu atstāt uz Eiropas Savienību, Latviju un pašu Lielbritāniju. Darba uzdevumi bija iepazīties ar pieejamajiem statistikas rādītājiem un ekonomistu un politiķu viedokļiem par šo tēmu, lai precīzāk varētu nonākt pie darba mērķa izpildes un izdarīt secinājumus. Darba rezultātā tika atrastas dažās iespējamās Brexit sekas un aprakstīta šo seku ietekme uz Eiropas Savienību, Lielbritāniju un Latviju, kā arī iezīmēti daži Brexit procesa attīstības scenāriji, kā arī minēti ieteikumi situācijas labvēlīgākai atrisināšanai.
The process of Great Britain leaving the European Union may lead to unpredictable consequences, which will affect both the European Union, Latvia and Great Britain itself. These consequences may affect politics, trade, economy and diplomacy of Europe. The aim of this work is to create possible scenarios that could occur after the Great Britain withdrawal from the EU, as well as understand the implications of this process could leave on the European Union, Latvia and the United Kingdom itself. Tasks of this work was to get acquainted with the statistical indicators and views of politicians and economists in order to accomplish given goals and then to make some conclusions on this subject. In result some of potential Brexit consequences were found and their impact on European Union, Great Britain and Latvia was described. Some of Brexit development scenarios were highlighted as well as the recommendations to resolve the situation in a more beneficial way for all parties involved.
The process of Great Britain leaving the European Union may lead to unpredictable consequences, which will affect both the European Union, Latvia and Great Britain itself. These consequences may affect politics, trade, economy and diplomacy of Europe. The aim of this work is to create possible scenarios that could occur after the Great Britain withdrawal from the EU, as well as understand the implications of this process could leave on the European Union, Latvia and the United Kingdom itself. Tasks of this work was to get acquainted with the statistical indicators and views of politicians and economists in order to accomplish given goals and then to make some conclusions on this subject. In result some of potential Brexit consequences were found and their impact on European Union, Great Britain and Latvia was described. Some of Brexit development scenarios were highlighted as well as the recommendations to resolve the situation in a more beneficial way for all parties involved.
Ekonomika , BREXIT , 2016.GADA REFERENDUMS , Eiropas Savienība , Lielbritānija