Radio listeners’ downward trends and changing profile in the Latvian market
Batraga, Anda
Rukers, Ilgvars
Salkovska, Jelena
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University of Latvia
The purpose of this research is under the scope of radio marketing strategy decisions indicate main
reasons, which lead to diminishing number of radio listeners in general, as well as determination of radio listeners’
changing profile and forecasting future trends in the Latvian radio market. To conduct the research, regular listeners’
research empirical data analyses were applied. In the article the following research methods were used: academic and
industry literature analysis, radio listeners’ annual researches for period from 2008 to 2017 (10 year dynamics with
sample size of each research not less than 1932 respondents), and correlation analysis.
The research results reveal changing patterns and dynamics of radio listeners’ profile, as well as indicate the change
reasons, building strategic recommendations for both radio brand development and content ingredients for radio
recovery tactics in media market.
Under the changing and cross-competitive conditions of media industry, downwarding audience trends for radio
stations must be perceived as warning signals in order to take appropriate strategic measures for sustaining radio role
as one of the leading media channels in the market.
brand , listeners’ , behavior , media , media strategy , radio , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Business and economics