Mārtiņš Zīle - akadēmiskā darbība Ukrainā
Rubenis, Rūdolfs
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LU Muzejs
Raksts veltīts aktuālai tēmai par Ukrainas-Latvijas attiecībām, skatoties zinātnes un augstākās izglītības kontekstā. Tiek analizēti un precizēti fakti par Latvijas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultātes dekānu un pašas universitātes rektoru Mārtiņu Zīli, kurš izveidojis savu akadēmisko karjeru Odesas Universitātē, Ukrainā. Uzmanība pievērsta arī Ukrainas un Latvijas kopīgajiem likteņiem pēc Pirmā pasaules kara, kad norisinājās abu jauno valstu cīņa par savu neatkarību. Uzsvērta ir Odesas Universitātes nozīme Latvijas Universitātes izveidē un attīstībā, kas līdz šim nav tikusi pieminēta pētījumos par M. Zīli.
The article is devoted to the topical issue of Ukraine-Latvia relations in the context of science and higher education. It analyses and clarifies the facts about Mārtiņš Zīle, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia and Rector of the University itself, who established his academic career at the University of Odessa, Ukraine. Attention is also paid to the common fate of Ukraine and Latvia after the First World War, when the two new countries fought for their independence. The importance of the University of Odessa in the establishment and development of the University of Latvia, which has not been mentioned in studies of M. Zīle, is also highlighted.
The article is devoted to the topical issue of Ukraine-Latvia relations in the context of science and higher education. It analyses and clarifies the facts about Mārtiņš Zīle, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia and Rector of the University itself, who established his academic career at the University of Odessa, Ukraine. Attention is also paid to the common fate of Ukraine and Latvia after the First World War, when the two new countries fought for their independence. The importance of the University of Odessa in the establishment and development of the University of Latvia, which has not been mentioned in studies of M. Zīle, is also highlighted.
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History of science , Ukraina , Latvija , Akadēmiskā pētniecība , Latvijas Universitāte , Odesas Universitāte , Ukraine , Latvia , Academical research , The University of Latvia , The University of Odesa