Cilvēka zarnu mikrobioma salīdzinājums pacientiem ar dažādu 2.tipa cukura diabēta ilgumu un terapiju veidiem
Dindune, Ilze Izabella
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Latvijas Universitāte
Maģistra darba izstrādes laikā iegūti rezultāti par zarnu mikrobioma taksonomiskā sastāva atšķirībām 270 pacientos ar 2. tipa cukura diabēta (T2D) diagnozi, bet atšķirīgu tā ilgumu kopš diagnosticēšanas brīža un pielietotajām antidiabētiskajām terapijām. Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot, kā šīm T2D pacientu apakšgrupām atšķiras zarnu mikrobioma taksonomiskais profils. Mikrobiālajai DNS, kas iegūta no fēču paraugiem, tika veikta visa metagenoma analīze ar lielapjoma paralēlo sekvenēšanu. Darba rezultāti apstiprināja vairākas zināmas asociācijas starp dažādām antidiabētiskajām terapijām un cilvēka zarnu mikrobiomu, kā arī iegūti jauni dati par zarnu mikrobioma taksonomiskajām atšķirībām indivīdos ar dažādu T2D stāžu un terapiju veidiem. Maģistra darbs tika izstrādāts no 2018. gada maija līdz 2021. gada maijam Latvijas Biomedicīnas pētījumu un studiju centrā.
During this work, results were obtained about the differences in the taxonomic composition of gut microbiome in 270 patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), but different durations of diagnosis and antidiabetic therapies applied. The aim of this study was to describe the taxonomical profile of the intestinal microbiome in these T2D subgroups. Whole metagenome analysis was performed on microbial DNA obtained from faecal samples using massive parallel sequencing. The results confirmed several known associations between different antidiabetic therapies and the human gut microbiome, as well as provided new data on the taxonomical gut microbiome differences in individuals with various T2D histories and therapies. Master thesis “Comparison of human gut microbiome in patients with different durations of type 2 diabetes and antidiabetic therapies” was conducted at the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre from May 2018 to May 2020.
During this work, results were obtained about the differences in the taxonomic composition of gut microbiome in 270 patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), but different durations of diagnosis and antidiabetic therapies applied. The aim of this study was to describe the taxonomical profile of the intestinal microbiome in these T2D subgroups. Whole metagenome analysis was performed on microbial DNA obtained from faecal samples using massive parallel sequencing. The results confirmed several known associations between different antidiabetic therapies and the human gut microbiome, as well as provided new data on the taxonomical gut microbiome differences in individuals with various T2D histories and therapies. Master thesis “Comparison of human gut microbiome in patients with different durations of type 2 diabetes and antidiabetic therapies” was conducted at the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre from May 2018 to May 2020.
Bioloģija , 2.tipa cukura diabēts , metagenoms , zarnu mikrobioms , antidiabētiskā terapija