3D telpas modeļa veidošana no punkta mākoņiem
Liepiņš, Edgars
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pasaulē, kas strauji kustās uz priekšu, 2D attēli ir pietiekami, lai dotu priekšstatu par notiekošo telpā, bet izveidojot 2D projekciju attēla formā no 3D pasaules, procesā tiek zaudēta telpiskā informācija. Savukārt, lai pilnībā aprakstītu telpā notiekošo un par to izdarītu secinājumus, nepieciešams šo informāciju iegūt atpakaļ. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt kādas ir šī brīža industrijas metodes gan telpiskās informācijas iegūšanai, gan telpas rekonstrukcijai, analizēt iegūtos rezultātus, un izdarīt secinājumus. Darba ietvaros tika ievākta informācija par pieejamām metodēm, kas ļauj iegūt telpisko informāciju un metodēm, ko izmanto telpas rekonstrukcijai. Tika arī izveidota programmatūra dziļuma datu iegūšanai un ar Open3D bibliotēkas rīkiem tika izveidota telpas rekonstrukcija.
In a world that is quickly advancing, 2D pictures are enough to provide an insight about what goes on in 3D space, however, in the process of making a 2D projection of a 3D world, depth information is lost. That said, in order to describe the world fully, it is vital to retrieve the depth information from the 2D pictures. The purpose of this thesis is to research the current methods used for retrieving depth and reconstructing 3D space, analyze the findings and draw conclusions. For this purpose, information about valid methods that can retrieve depth data and reconstruct 3D space from that data, was gathered and researched. To add, a software was built to calculate depth data from stereo source and an Open3D pipeline was implemented to reconstruct the 3D space.
In a world that is quickly advancing, 2D pictures are enough to provide an insight about what goes on in 3D space, however, in the process of making a 2D projection of a 3D world, depth information is lost. That said, in order to describe the world fully, it is vital to retrieve the depth information from the 2D pictures. The purpose of this thesis is to research the current methods used for retrieving depth and reconstructing 3D space, analyze the findings and draw conclusions. For this purpose, information about valid methods that can retrieve depth data and reconstruct 3D space from that data, was gathered and researched. To add, a software was built to calculate depth data from stereo source and an Open3D pipeline was implemented to reconstruct the 3D space.
Datorzinātne , Open3D , Stereo redze , 3D rekonstrukcija , punkta mākoņi , ICP