P3HT plānu kārtiņu īpašību pētījumi 3D printētu termoelektrisko ierīču pielietojumiem
Strautnieks, Normunds Ralfs
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šajā darbā tika veikti pētījumi ar poli (3-heksiltiofēna) (P3HT) plānajām kārtiņām ar mērķi novērtēt šī materiāla pielietojamību 3D printētās termoelektriskās ierīcēs. Darbā tika pētītas tīras dažādu polimerizāciju pakāpes P3HT plānās kārtiņas un kārtiņas, kas ir dopētas ar (2,3,5,6-Tetrafluoro-2,5-cikloheksadiēn-1,4-dilidēn)-dimalonodinitrilu (F4TCNQ). Šīm kārtiņām tika noteikta elektrovadītspēja, Zēbeka koeficienti kā arī jaudas faktora vērtības. Lai varētu novērtēt šo vielu pielietojamību 3D printēšanai, to veidotās plānās kārtiņas tika karsētas un noteikti to raksturojošie koeficienti pēc katras karsēšanas. Šī karsēšana simulē apstākļus, kādiem tiktu pakļauti materiāli 3D printēšanas procesā. Salīdzinot iegūtos rezultātus, var spriest par konkrētā materiāla pielietojamību 3D printēšanas procesam.
In this work, studies were conducted with thin films of Poly (3-hexythiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) to evaluate the applicability of this material in 3D printed thermoelectric devices. In this paper P3HT thin films and films of different polymerization grades, which have been doped with 2,3,5,6-Tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ), were studied. These properties of thin films were obtained: electrical conductivity, Seebeck’s coefficients and power factor values. To be able to evaluate the applicability of these substances for 3D printing, thin films were heated and their characteristic coefficients were determined after each heating. This heating simulates the conditions under which materials would be exposed to the 3D printing process. When comparing the results obtained, one can judge the applicability of the given material to the 3D printing process.
In this work, studies were conducted with thin films of Poly (3-hexythiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) to evaluate the applicability of this material in 3D printed thermoelectric devices. In this paper P3HT thin films and films of different polymerization grades, which have been doped with 2,3,5,6-Tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ), were studied. These properties of thin films were obtained: electrical conductivity, Seebeck’s coefficients and power factor values. To be able to evaluate the applicability of these substances for 3D printing, thin films were heated and their characteristic coefficients were determined after each heating. This heating simulates the conditions under which materials would be exposed to the 3D printing process. When comparing the results obtained, one can judge the applicability of the given material to the 3D printing process.
Fizika , Termoelektriskais efekts , 3D printēšana , P3HT , organisks pusvadītājs