Windows spēle "Pocket Dungeon"
Āboliņš, Rihards
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kvalifikācijas darbā ir aprakstīta daļējs Windows operētāj sistēmas spēles –“Pocket Dungeon”izpildījums un tā prasību specifikācija. Šī lietotne ir izstrādāta balstoties uz C# programmēšanas valodas ar Unity3D ietvara palīdzību.Spēle sastāv no vairākām funkcionalitātēm–pretinieku, atribūtu, inventāra un cīņas sistēmām kā arī procesuālu mapju ģenerēšanu ar līmeņa atslēgas principu.Spēles progresu ir iespējams saglabāt un ielādēt no jauna.Spēlētājam ir iespēja izpētīt mapes, savākt resursus, būvēt celtnes un cīnīties pret dažādiem pretiniekiem, kamēr tas uzlabo savus atribūtus,papildina inventāra saturu un apgūst jaunas burvestības.Sistēmas pamatdarbība norisinās, kā darbvirsmas lietotne, tās datu uzglabāšanai netiek pielietotas datu bāzes, bet tā vietā tika aizstātas ar sarealizētām objektu struktūrām.
The qualification work describes in-completed software of Windows operating systems game –“Pocket Dungeon”. This software is developed using C# programming language and Unity3D game engine.The system contains many different functionality –procedural world generation, that uses seed-based system for its generation, enemy, inventory, equipment and fighting functionality.The progress of game is savable, meaning that player can continue the game from its last state. Player can explore generated maps, collect resources and use them to create buildings, collect loot from treasure chests to populates its inventory. Player can also fight with different types of monsters while collecting experience points and increasing both its level and attributes.The software primary works as desktop application and its data is stored in separate files that contains object serialized data.
The qualification work describes in-completed software of Windows operating systems game –“Pocket Dungeon”. This software is developed using C# programming language and Unity3D game engine.The system contains many different functionality –procedural world generation, that uses seed-based system for its generation, enemy, inventory, equipment and fighting functionality.The progress of game is savable, meaning that player can continue the game from its last state. Player can explore generated maps, collect resources and use them to create buildings, collect loot from treasure chests to populates its inventory. Player can also fight with different types of monsters while collecting experience points and increasing both its level and attributes.The software primary works as desktop application and its data is stored in separate files that contains object serialized data.
Datorzinātne , Spēle , RPG , Unity3D , Widnows , Procesuāla ģenerēšana