Metālliešanas keramika Aizkraukles dzīvesvietās viduslaikos
Svarāne, Dagnija
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Rakstā analizēti Aizkraukles viduslaiku dzīves vietā atrastie māla tīģeļi, lejamais kausiņš, lejamveidnes, kā arī vairākas to tīģeļu lauskas ar piekusušām metāla paliekām. Viens no interesantākajiem izpētes objektiem ir unikāla māla lejamveidne, kurā atlietas pakavsaktas ar daudzskaldņu galiem. Līdz šim šī tipa pakavsaktas tika uzskatītas par Gotlandei raksturīgām un tika datētas ar 9.- 10. gs. Aizkraukles lejamveidne pierāda šo saktu izgatavošanu arī Aizkraukles pilskalnā, un to augšējo hronoloģisko robežu nosaka ar 11.- 12. gs. Analizēts līdz šim Latvijas arheoloģiskajā materiālā nezināms slēgtais jeb aizvākotais tīģelis.
The article presents an analysis of clay crucibles, a casting ladle and moulds, as well as several crucible fragments with fused traces of metal, found on the medieval living site of Aizkraukle. One of the most interesting items is a unique clay mould used to cast penannular brooches with polyhedral terminals. This type of penannular brooch was previously regarded as characteristic of Gotland and dated to the 9th–10th century. The Aizkraukle mould demonstrates that these brooches were also made on Aizkraukle hill-fort, and their upper chronological boundary is shifted to the 11th–12th century. Also analysed is a closed or lidded crucible, of a kind previously not known among archaeological finds from Latvia.
The article presents an analysis of clay crucibles, a casting ladle and moulds, as well as several crucible fragments with fused traces of metal, found on the medieval living site of Aizkraukle. One of the most interesting items is a unique clay mould used to cast penannular brooches with polyhedral terminals. This type of penannular brooch was previously regarded as characteristic of Gotland and dated to the 9th–10th century. The Aizkraukle mould demonstrates that these brooches were also made on Aizkraukle hill-fort, and their upper chronological boundary is shifted to the 11th–12th century. Also analysed is a closed or lidded crucible, of a kind previously not known among archaeological finds from Latvia.
Aizkraukles pilskalns tīģeļi māla lejamveidne sakta ar daudzskaldņu galiem , Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::Archaeology subjects , Arheoloģija , Aizkraukles pilskalns , māla lejamveidne , Viduslaiki