Rediģējama darba laiku tabula ar administrācijas paneli Laravel 5.4 vidē
Aglonietis, Valdis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kvalifikācijas darba mērķis ir izstrādāt tīmekļa lietojumprogrammu – rediģējamu darba laiku tabulu ar administrācijas paneli Laravel 5.4 vidē medicīnas iestādes darba laika un kabinetu plānošanas nolūkiem. Kvalifikācijas darbs sastāv no vārdnīcas, ievada, programmatūras prasību specifikācijas, programmatūras projektējuma apraksta, testēšanas dokumentācijas, projekta organizācijas, konfigurācijas pārvaldības, kvalitātes nodrošināšanas, darbietilpības novērtējuma, secinājumiem un programmatūras pirmkoda un izpildkoda. Kvalifikācijas darba izstrādes laikā tika izstrādātā tīmekļa lietojumprogrammatūra – rediģējamā darba laiku tabula ir specifiski paredzēta pieņemšanas laiku plānošanai veselības aprūpes iestādēs. Šajā sistēmā iespējams uzskaitīt iestādē pieņemošo ārstu skaitu un pieņemšanas laikus, kā arī ārstniecisko kabinetu noslodzes plānošanu. Administrācijas panelī tika izveidotas lietotāju tiesības un lietotāju darba laika tabulā veikto izmaiņu reģistrs. Darbs tika realizēts ar PHP, HTML, CSS. Datubāzes pārraudzībai izmantots MySQL Workbench rīks. Adaptīva dizaina izveidei tika izmantots Bootstrap ietvars. Lai paātrinātu un atvieglotu tīmekļa lietojumprogrammatūras izstrādi, tika izmantos Laravel ietvars. Kvalifikācijas darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā, satur 40 tabulas, 8 attēlus. Darba apjoms kopā ar pielikumiem ir 57 lappuses, darba izstrādei tika izmantoti 17 literatūras avoti.
The aim of the qualification work is to develop a web–based application – Editable working time table with administration panel in Laravel 5.4 environment for managing working hours and cabinet workload for use in medical facilities. The qualification work consists of dictionary, introduction, specification of software requirements, software design description, test documentation, project organization,lead configuration,quality assurance, worktime estimation,conclusions and software source code and execution code. During the development of the qualification work a web application – editable working time table, which is specifically designed for planning admission times and cabinet workloads in health care facilities, was developed. This system can list the number of physicians admitting in the facility, as well as the planning of the medical office's cabinet workload. A module for managing user permissions and logging of made changes was implemented in the administration panel. The work was carried out with PHP, HTML, CSS. The MySQL Workbench tool is used to monitor the database. The development of an adaptive design was carried out with Bootstrap framework. The Laravel Framework was used to speed up and facilitate the development of web application. The qualification work is written in Latvian, contains 40 tables, 8 images. The volume of the work with the attachments is 47 pages, 17 literature sources are used for the development of the work.
The aim of the qualification work is to develop a web–based application – Editable working time table with administration panel in Laravel 5.4 environment for managing working hours and cabinet workload for use in medical facilities. The qualification work consists of dictionary, introduction, specification of software requirements, software design description, test documentation, project organization,lead configuration,quality assurance, worktime estimation,conclusions and software source code and execution code. During the development of the qualification work a web application – editable working time table, which is specifically designed for planning admission times and cabinet workloads in health care facilities, was developed. This system can list the number of physicians admitting in the facility, as well as the planning of the medical office's cabinet workload. A module for managing user permissions and logging of made changes was implemented in the administration panel. The work was carried out with PHP, HTML, CSS. The MySQL Workbench tool is used to monitor the database. The development of an adaptive design was carried out with Bootstrap framework. The Laravel Framework was used to speed up and facilitate the development of web application. The qualification work is written in Latvian, contains 40 tables, 8 images. The volume of the work with the attachments is 47 pages, 17 literature sources are used for the development of the work.
Datorzinātne , Laravel , PHP , Website , Software